Is this technique dead

I’m including some code examples, where I mainly use JSP tags inside of a jsp page for most presentation. I use java classes (beans) for getter/setters and do all database updates and inserts through a class. My question is JSP dead now or is it and will it be still alive.

EXAMPLE EDIT PAGE: I present the data and after the edit, I use ajax to communicate with the page/and bean to update:

<script type="text/javascript" src="include/lock.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="include/style.css" type="text/plain">
<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>
<%@ include file = "" %>
<jsp:useBean id="db" class="SQLBean.DbBean" />
param="petid" />

out.println("the pet id is" + db.getpetid());

String varmv = request.getParameter("mv");
String vart11 = request.getParameter("t11");
String submit = request.getParameter("submit"); 
if(submit != null)
    param="petname" />

    param="species" />
    param="sex" />  
param="ownerid" />  
param="petowner" />      
param="ostreet" />  

param="dogpic" />

    int ri;
    String sql = "UPDATE pets SET petname=?, ownerid=?, petowner=?, species=?, sex=?, ostreet=?, dogpic=? WHERE petid=?"; 
    out.println("<a href=trypage3.jsp?mv=" + varmv + "&t11=" + vart11 + ">back</a>");
    // out.println("<a href="+session.getAttribute( "reqsess" )+">sessback</a>");
int vpetid;
vpetid = db.getpetid();

String tmppetid = "";
String tmppetname = ""; 
String tpic = ""; 
ResultSet SQLResult = null;
String sql;
sql = "SELECT petid, petname, species, sex, ownerid, petowner, ostreet, dogpic FROM pets where petid = ?";
SQLResult = db.editSQL(sql);
tmppetid = SQLResult.getString("petid");
tmppetname = SQLResult.getString("petname"); 
String varpic;
String vspecies;
String vsex;
String vownerid;
String voname;
String vostreet;
if (SQLResult.getString(8) != null && SQLResult.getString(8).length() > 0)
    varpic = SQLResult.getString(8);
    varpic = "";
if (SQLResult.getString(3) != null && SQLResult.getString(3).length() > 0)
    vspecies = SQLResult.getString(3);
    vspecies = "";
if (SQLResult.getString(4) != null && SQLResult.getString(4).length() > 0)
    vsex = SQLResult.getString(4);
    vsex = "";
if (SQLResult.getString(5) != null && SQLResult.getString(5).length() > 0)
    vownerid = SQLResult.getString(5);
    vownerid = "";
    // vownerid = convJS(SQLResult.getString(5));
if (SQLResult.getString(6) != null && SQLResult.getString(6).length() > 0)
    voname = SQLResult.getString(6);
    voname = "";

if (SQLResult.getString(7) != null && SQLResult.getString(7).length() > 0)
    vostreet = SQLResult.getString(7);
    vostreet = "";

<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=2> 
<form name="petsedit" id="petsedit" action="tryedit2.jsp" method="POST"> 

<td>Pet name</td> 
<td><input type="Text" name="petname" id="petname" size="20" value="<%=SQLResult.getString(2) %>"></td> </tr> 

<td><input type="Text" name="species" id="species"  size="20" value="<%=vspecies %>"></td> </tr> 

<td><input type="Text" name="sex" id="sex"  size="20" value="<%=vsex %>"></td> </tr> 

<td>pet pic</td> 

<td><input type="Text" name="dogpic" id="dogpic"  size="20" value="<%=varpic %>"></td>
<!-- <tr>
<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" value="Write Back" onclick="WriteBack()"/> </td>
</tr> -->

<td>Owner id</td> 
<td><input type="Text" name="ownerid" id="ownerid"  size="20" value="<%= vownerid %>">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" value="Write Back" onclick="WriteBack()"/>
<a href="#" onclick="getowner('1','zoooz','0');" id="idlookup1">find</a></td>
<td>owner name</td> 
<td><input type="Text" name="petowner" id="petowner"  size="20" value="<%=voname %>"></td> </tr> 
<td><input type="Text" name="ostreet" id="ostreet"  size="20" value="<%=vostreet %>"></td> </tr> 
<input type="hidden" name="petid" id="petid" value="<%= SQLResult.getInt("petid") %>"> 
<input type="hidden" name="mv" id="mv" value="<%= varmv %>">
<input type="hidden" name="t11" id="t11" value="<%= vart11 %>">


    out.println("<a href="+session.getAttribute( "reqsess" )+">sessback</a>");
out.println("<a href=\\"#\\" onclick=\\"updatepet('"+tmppetid+"')\\"> [save] </a>");


<a href="petsearch.htm">Back to search page</a>

Here is part of my js file showing the ajax call:

function updatepet(petid)
	petname = document.getElementById('petname').value;
	species = document.getElementById('species').value;
	sex = document.getElementById('sex').value;
	ownerid = document.getElementById('ownerid').value;
	petowner = document.getElementById('petowner').value;
	ostreet = document.getElementById('ostreet').value;
	dogpic = document.getElementById('dogpic').value;
     mv = document.getElementById('mv').value;
     t11 = document.getElementById('t11').value;
     var submit = "submit";
     petid = document.getElementById('petid').value;
     url = "tryedit2.jsp";
     params = "petid=" + petid + "&petname=" + petname + "&species=" + species + "&sex=" + sex + "&ownerid=" + ownerid + "&petowner=" + petowner + "&ostreet=" + ostreet + "&dogpic="+dogpic + "&mv="+mv+ "&t11="+t11+ "&submit="+submit;
	var http = getXMLHTTP();"POST", url, true);
	http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
	http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
	http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
	http.onreadystatechange = function() {
		if (req.readyState == 4) {
			if (req.status == 200) {						
				var z000z = '';						
					} else {
						alert("There was a problem while using XMLHTTP:\
" + req.statusText);


The class isn’t shown, but it is a typical class with getter/setters, prepared statements for the queries, the db connection, etc.

The util file simply escapes strings.

Are these techniques still ok? I have seen examples of jsf, and so far i do not like jsf.

but the use of scriplets <% %> in JSP (i.e. Java code) had been frowned upon for a long time.

What is the difference in <% %> and the new expression language tags:
Example from sun site

  <h:outputText value="#{bundle.ItemPrice}"/>
  <h:outputText value="#{selected.price}">
    <f:convertNumber type="currency"/>

#{bundle.ItemPrice} Isn’t this like a tag to enbed some code in an html page? I’m trying to re-write my page of code in the new el.
In other words have they just changed the tag styles?

For a simple example it will probably be more lines of code in JSF but for a larger application it won’t necessarily be the case. In terms of maintenance, like 6 months after you haven’t touched the code, a JSF application will be much easier to work with than an all JSP solution.

On the Oracle/Sun site, it now does. It has it’s own expression language.

As of JSF 1.2, the expression language is shared between JSP and JSF. Typically a JSF page is a JSP page with JSF tags, but it’s still a JSP. This won’t always be the case if you use Facelets, but that’s another discussion.

I could probably write an example application and it wouldn’t be as many lines of code as you think. Just many different files, but I don’t really feel like doing so at this point since many JSF examples exist already (maybe not exactly like yours but similar…).

On the Oracle/Sun site, it now does. It has it’s own expression language.
Still, I’d like a simple example of a name,address,phone form in jsf and how to update a database on submit. There has to be a way to write a simple form to add to a database without 10,237 lines of code. Why in the blank does jsf require thousands of lines of code to do a simple thing?
See this link scary—

No specific example of your jsf form I am afraid but hopefully something equally useful:

Btw, that kind of response wont win you a queue of people looking to answer your questions Jim…

What kind of F______ answer is that. I asked in above question what A JSF, JAVASERVER FACES, form would look like! I am trying to learn the new expression language! i PLAN TO RE-WRITE SOME CODE, BUT DON’T KNOW WEATHER TO USE JSF OR JSP. It is apparent that rushiku can’t read and does not have a life to speak of. Case closed on rushiku. I simply want to start learning some stuff in the new javaee6 spec. I simply asked for an example of a small edit form to point me in the right direction.

Jesus, put your eyes back in their sockets.

You asked ‘bottom line’, I replied ‘bottom line’.

As far as JSF vs JSP goes, you don’t get a choice. JSF doesn’t exist outside of JSP, which you would know if you had spent the three seconds needed to type ‘JSF’ into google and follow the first hit.


Bottom line: no.

However, using JSP as a one-stop-shopping-spot for all your application’s needs was never popular and it is now most definitely dead.

Sure, you could design and build an all-in-one car-lawnmower-TV-shower-knife-refrigerator-kittenkilling-wallet, but who the f— would want to debug that?

(A: No one, after six months, not even you)

Thanks for the reply. Ok then, like I said I have looked over the sun docs on JSF, and from what I’ve seen it would take 4 to 5 times the code to do an edit page as in the example edit page I gave.
Just taking three fields for an example, petid, petname, and species, what would a JSF page look like to edit/update a record? Do you need to see the class I use to answer?
Is JSF the only alternative to use now?
Bottom line is JSP dieing?

JSP is not dead, but the use of scriplets <% %> in JSP (i.e. Java code) had been frowned upon for a long time. Most people will use some kind of MVC framework these days. Some popular choices are Struts, JSF and Spring MVC. I’m a big fan of JSF, but it’s not necessarily the easiest to learn.