Issue in IE6

i there. I am new to CSS. I built my first site and it works great in Chrome, Safari, IE 7/8 and Firefox. The only browser it does not work okay in is IE6. I did some research and found out that IE6 has some issues with CSS. The initial issue was that IE6 was making my boxes more narrow, resulting in one of my boxes displaying beneath and not beside the other one. I played with the CSS and fixed that and now there are only two small issues that remain:

  1. The services page bottom box and border sticks out a little:

  2. The Index upper box and border sticks out a tiny bit, only a few pixels. I don’t care as much about this one although it is annoying:

Can anyone help?

  1. The problem is the double float margin bug on an element inside the #content2 div. IE6 is increasing the containers width to make sure it fits and as a result the stretching is happening. Display:inline; fixes this issue :slight_smile:
  1. Double float margin again pushing it wide :slight_smile:

Thanks SO much! It worked and it was so easy.

If you don’t mind (or anyone else), how clunky/clean does my code look?


It looks quite nice actually :). A tad bit clunkered (the CSS) but otherwise great.

Thanks! I’m sure I’ll get better at streamlining the code the more sites I do.

Eventually you learn how to minimalize code and reduce time debugging by coding fixes for the bugs straight away :). It really does save a lot of time when you open up IE6/7 on the first time and it’s pixel perfect ;).

It saves even more time to not get pixel perfect picky with IE6 as it is a legacy browser that people shouldn’t be using anyways. IE6 should get no more than a “it’s good enough” treatment as long as major functionality isn’t broken.

I don’t spend time trying to fix IE6 or make it pixel perfect. It’s not worth it. I guess pixel perfect was a bit of an overexaggeration. It takes too long to get everything pixel perfect, however everything looking the same as in every other browser on the first time saves time :).

That’s whta I meant lol, which is what you meant.