Issue with innerHTML


i have a problem with innerHTML

if i wrote
document.getElementById(‘someid’).innerHTML = “ok”;
then it wroks

but when i wrote
document.getElementById(‘someid’).innerHTML = “<sometext> ok”;
it does not work.
i.e. <sometext> is not visible

if check on firebug / dom it display…
<sometext> ok </sometext>

please help…
how do i print / display above string as it as.

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The problem is the page thinks your posting an HTML element, to avoid this you will need to convert the string so < and > for example get converted to HTMLEntities. See the following link for a quick and painless way to do this:

this might not work… in above case <b> or <i> or <font> tags does not work.

if you want “<sometext>” to be visible, then use .innerText instead of .innerHtml