It doesnt add any data in the table

Is something wrong with this code? becaue it doesn’t add any data to my database…

	$cl = intval($_POST['clt']);
	$c = intval($_POST['ct']);
	$cb = intval($_POST['cbt']);
	$cc = intval($_POST['cct']);
	$CheckIt = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM f_beg WHERE cl='$cl'");
	if(!$cl OR !$c OR !$cb OR !$cc)
		echo("Please fill up the form");
		$SQL = "INSERT INTO f_beg (cl, c, cb, cc)
		VALUES(	'$cl','$c','$cb','$cc')";
		$result = mysql_query($SQL);			

Do you actually get any of the two echo messages in your script?

Also you could change this line

        $result = mysql_query($SQL);            


        $result = mysql_query($SQL) or die ('error ' . mysql_error() . ' in query ' . $SQL);            

That will show you any errors in the execution of your query.

And if no errors show up, and still nothing is inserted, try echoing $SQL anyway to see if it is what you expect it to be.

tnx so much for the reply I figured out my problem… I lack ’ ’ beside the value