JavaScript - Access is Denied error

I have two servers jboss and ejabbered and i have deployed two html files, one on each as follows:

testdirver.html deployed on ejabbered
function viewmembers()
<body><form name=“sub” >
<input type=“text” id=“to” name=“to”>
<button onClick= “viewmembers();”>

test.html on jboss
function abc()
<body onload=abc();></body></html>

Problem: window.opener.document gives the js error “Access is Denied” which i am not able to understand.

Exchanging the two files on the servers(i.e. testdriver.html on jboss and test.html on ejabbered works fine and i get the output [object]). So i am guessing there is something that has to do with the ejabbered server


You will find that JavaScript restricts access to cross-domain requests.

This is a security mechanism built into the browser.

You will only be able to access resources on the same server.



Thanks for your response, but please check the last line - “Exchanging the two files on the servers(i.e. testdriver.html on jboss and test.html on ejabbered works fine and i get the output [object]). So i am guessing there is something that has to do with the ejabbered server.”

Why is this working in that case?

