Javascript add fields

I am at a complete loss here. I need a form where users can select from a drop down box a certain location and then next to the drop down box is a text field where they can enter information about the location. But, under the text field I want “add another field” option where they can add another field and enter another piece of info for the certain location. Then on top of all of that I want under all of that “add another location”.

Location 1------------- text field 1.1
----------------------- text field 1.2
----------------------- [add another field]
Location 2------------- text field 2.1
----------------------- text field 2.2
----------------------- text field 2.3
----------------------- [add another field]
[Add another location]

I hope this makes sense. I’ve been trying everything I come across on the web but I can’t seem to get anything to work. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

No, that’s fine.

And, bulevardi, I can’t seem to get your code to work.

This is what I have so far. I can add new drop downs fine, but when it comes to adding a text field that go along with the drop downs it will only add to the first drop down and none of the others. I feel like I need to create unique id names for the divs containing the text fields, but don’t know how.

<script type="text/javascript">
var my_div = null;
var newDiv = null;

function add_text() {
var newdiv=document.createElement("div")
var newtext=document.createElement("input")
newdiv.appendChild(newtext) //append text to new div
document.getElementById("test").appendChild(newdiv) //append new div to another div

function add_drop()
  // create a new div element
  // and give it some content
  newDiv = document.createElement("div");
  newDiv.innerHTML = "<tr><td><select><option>1</option><option>2</option><option>3</option></select></td><td><div id='test'></div><input type='button' onclick='add_text()' value='add text field' /></td></tr>";

  // add the newly created element and it's content into the DOM
  my_div = document.getElementById("org_div1");
  document.body.insertBefore(newDiv, my_div);

<body onload="add_drop()">
<table border="1">

<div id='org_div1'></div>
<input type='button' onclick='add_drop()' value = 'add drop down'/>

do you mind using jQuery ?

Sorry it took so long. Didn’t have spare time to figure it out here…

I simplified something (maybe can be done more simplified).

The button works now and adds the field above the button each time + if you choose another option, it adds the new field above the right button…


<script type="text/javascript">
function initialize(){
  var button = document.getElementById("trigger");
  button.onclick = add_drop;

function addField(chosenOption){
    var showField = document.createElement("div");
    showField.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"text\\" />";
    var button = document.getElementById(chosenOption);
//  paste the field under the last field of the chosen option, before the button 

function addButton(chosenOption){
    var showField = document.createElement("div");
    showField.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"text\\" />";
    var showButton = document.createElement("div");
    showButton.setAttribute("id", chosenOption);
    showButton.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"add text field\\" />";
//  trigger the button function to add a new field
    showButton.onclick = function (){ addField(chosenOption); }
    var orgDiv = document.getElementById("org_div");

function chooseOption() {
   var selectedOption = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;   

function add_drop(){
  var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
  newDiv.innerHTML = "<select id=\\"options\\"><option value=\\"one\\">1</option><option value=\\"two\\">2</option><option value=\\"three\\">3</option></select>";
  var orgDiv = document.getElementById("org_div");
  var selectedOption = document.getElementById("options");
  selectedOption.onchange = chooseOption;

<body onload="initialize();">

<div id="org_div"></div>
<div id="test"></div>
<input type="button" id="trigger" value="add drop down" />

Try with this one once.
It still has to be more simplified… it’s quite rough made… :confused:

And one problem is that if you add fields, and choose another number and then add another field,… it adds before the button :s

But I hope you already have something to work on with this:


<script type="text/javascript">
function initialize(){
  var button = document.getElementById("trigger");
  button.onclick = add_drop;

function addField(){
    var showField = document.createElement("div");
    showField.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"text\\" />";
    var button = document.getElementById("addfieldbutton");

function chooseOption() {
   var selectedOption = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;   
   if (selectedOption=="one") {
    var showField = document.createElement("div");
    showField.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"text\\" />";
    var showButton = document.createElement("div");
    showButton.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"button\\" id=\\"addfieldbutton\\" value=\\"add text field\\" />";
    showButton.onclick = addField;
    var orgDiv = document.getElementById("org_div");
if (selectedOption=="two") {
    var showField = document.createElement("div");
    showField.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"text\\" />";
    var showButton = document.createElement("div");
    showButton.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"button\\" id=\\"addfieldbutton\\" value=\\"add text field\\" />";
    showButton.onclick = addField;
    var orgDiv = document.getElementById("org_div");
if (selectedOption=="three") {
    var showField = document.createElement("div");
    showField.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"text\\" />";
    var showButton = document.createElement("div");
    showButton.innerHTML = "<input type=\\"button\\" id=\\"addfieldbutton\\" value=\\"add text field\\" />";
    showButton.onclick = addField;
    var orgDiv = document.getElementById("org_div");

function add_drop(){
  var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
  newDiv.innerHTML = "<select id=\\"options\\"><option value=\\"one\\">1</option><option value=\\"two\\">2</option><option value=\\"three\\">3</option></select>";
  var orgDiv = document.getElementById("org_div");

  var selectedOption = document.getElementById("options");
  selectedOption.onchange = chooseOption;

<body onload="initialize();">

<div id="org_div"></div>
<div id="test"></div>
<input type="button" id="trigger" value="add drop down" />

Put a trigger id inside your button

<p id="trigger"> your button to add field </p>

function initialize(){
  var button = document.getElementById("trigger");
  button.onclick = addField;

function addField() {
var newField = document.createElement("input");
newField.setAttribute("id", "theNewField");
newField.innerHTML = ""; // here comes everything that needs to come in your new field