JavaScript has just stopped working - partialy

I have been working on a new site using another one of my sites and everything was working OK. I uploaded it to the new domain and now my page using a JavaScript has stopped working. I thought I had uploaded something incorrectly so went back to my development setup and that is also broken. Everything was OK last week and the last time any of the relevant files were changed was on the 6th.

The page is here:

The upload works, the image is in the page source, you can click around the box and when you click “create file” the modified image is displayed and that is made up from the uploaded image. The problem is the two boxes are the wrong size and do not display the uploaded image!

It is so long ago that I wrote this section I had forgotten about the Firefox “Web console”. Running the page with that open gave an access error for the image. I had put a .htaccess file in the folder and that was preventing the JavaScript from loading the image fully?
This is strange as all my other codes work without a problem with the .htaccess file in place.

Looks like the problem is now sorted.

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