Javascript login page array issue

Im doing a login page for an assessment and allowed to use online sources and open book. Iv made a login page making use of an array which is asked in my assignment but when it runs it accepts any password and username you enter. I need it to accept only what is in the array.

from what i have done i do not understand as to me it is logical …

Any help would be appreciated.


<script type="text/javascript">

function userLogin(user1,pass1)
	var userName = user1.value;
	var userPass = pass1.value;
	var correct = 0;	// set variable of correct so that if its turned ON ( True ) it runs the statement bellow.
	var wrong = 1; // set variable of Wrong so that if wrong is switched false then it alerts the user.

	var i = 0
	var userarray = ["User1", "User2", "User3", "User4", "User5"]; // set usernames and passwords in the array.
	var passarray = ["Pass1", "Pass2", "Pass3", "Pass4", "Pass5"];

	for (var i=0; i < userarray.length; i++)
			if (( userName == userarray[i]) && ( userPass == passarray[i])) // if variables userName and userPass are equals to the array then correct = true.
					correct = 1;

	if (correct = 1) // when correct is true this statement is run.
			window.location="bookingPage.htm" // launches the bookings page.	
			wrong = 0;

			alert ("Access Denied");
			correct = 0;




<br />

<table border="1">
<td colspan="2">
<h1><b>Login Area</b></h1>

<td><form name="login">
<input name="user1" type="text"></td>

<td><input name="pass1" type="password"></td>

<input type="button" value="Login" onClick="userLogin(user1,pass1)">



Check out this line:

if (correct = 1) // when correct is true this statement is run. 
			window.location="bookingPage.htm" // launches the bookings page.	
			wrong = 0;

			alert ("Access Denied");
			correct = 0;

In the if statement, you are doing an assignment (correct = 1) instead of a comparison (correct == 1) or (correct === 1). Basically, the program reads it as:


Which is always going to return true no matter what.

OMGCarlos i cannot thank you enough!

one of the 1st things i learnt was comparisons… such a simple basic error! I feel so embarrassed i never noticed that! >:(

No problem, they are hard to catch! I do it every so often too.