JavaScript Slider Issue

Hello there,

I am new to UI Development, I had an issue in displaying slider, i have to use 3 sliders
in my page, 2 are working fine but the 3rd slide is not getting displayed even though the code is same as the remaining 2. Below are my JS and HTML pages. Please reply me ASAP. Thank you.

Java Script Code:

// Time Slider
				range: true,
				min: 0,
				max: 1439,
				values: [540, 1020],
				slide: slideTime
			function slideTime(event, ui){
				var minutes0 = parseInt($("#time_slider").slider("values", 0) % 60);
				var hours0 = parseInt($("#time_slider").slider("values", 0) / 60 % 24);
				var minutes1 = parseInt($("#time_slider").slider("values", 1) % 60);
				var hours1 = parseInt($("#time_slider").slider("values", 1) / 60 % 24);
				$("#time").text(getTime(hours0, minutes0) + ' - ' + getTime(hours1, minutes1));
			function getTime(hours, minutes) {
				var time = null;
				minutes = minutes + "";
				if (hours < 12) {
					time = "AM";
				else {
					time = "PM";
				if (hours == 0) {
					hours = 12;
				if (hours > 12) {
					hours = hours - 12;
				if (minutes.length == 1) {
					minutes = "0" + minutes;
				return hours + ":" + minutes + " " + time;

	// Trip Duration
				value: 160,
				min: 0,
				max: 1440,				
				step: 30,
				slide: slideDuration
			function slideDuration(event, ui){
            var hours = Math.floor(ui.value / 60);
            var minutes = ui.value - (hours * 60);

            if(hours.length == 1) hours = '0' + hours;
            if(minutes.length == 1) minutes = '0' + minutes;

			$("#duration").text(hours+'hrs. '+minutes+'mins. ');

	// Max Price
				value: 160,
				min: 0,
				max: 1440,				
				step: 30,
				slide: slidePrice
			function slidePrice(event, ui){
			var dollars = ui.value;

HTML Code:

	#slider-range,#time,#duration,#maxprice {margin:10px;display:block;}
	.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-state-default {background:url(images/scrub-btn.png) no-repeat scroll 50% 50%;}		
	.flights-select {margin: -22px 0px 140px;}

         <div class="flights-section-title">Flight Time</div>
                            <div class="flights-section">&nbsp;
                                    <ul class="inline">
                                        <li><input class="radio" type="radio" name="2" checked="checked" value="a"><div class="flight-radio-label">Take-Off</div></li>
                                        <li><input class="radio" type="radio" name="2" value="b"><div class="flight-radio-label">Landing</div></li>
                              <div class="leftnav-dot-divider">
                                <div id="time_slider"></div>
                                <span id="time"></span></div>

                        	</div><!-- flight-section-slider -->
                           <div class="flights-section-title">Max Trip Duration</div>
                          <div class="flights-section"> 
                          <div class="leftnav-dot-divider">                        
                          <div id="duration_slider"></div>
                                <span id="duration">2hrs. 0mins.</span>
                          </div><br />

                          <div class="flights-section-title">Max Price</div>
                          <div class="flights-section"> &nbsp;
                          <div class="leftnav-dot-divider">
                          <div id="price_slider"></div><span id="maxprice">$100</span>
                          </div><br />

Hi buddi03520! Welcome to SitePoint. :slight_smile:

To be honest, I think you have zero hope of getting any help with this unless you post a live link. I doubt anyone can understand your problem with the code you posted.

Hi ralph.m,

Thank you. i am new to forums, what is the live link and how to post .

Just a link to your site, or the web page in question. Copy the link from your browser and paste it here, or highlight some text and click the link button when you are posting to paste in the link and create a text link.