JavaScript turned off?

When you guys create a website with JavaScript , do you take into account people surfing with JavaScript turned off?

It really depends on what I’m building… with certain kinds of web app it’s not possible to deliver the kind of experience or functionality that users expect without JS, so I just consider JS to be a requirement to use the app (much like desktop software has requirements).

For websites in general though I’m a big believer in progressive enhancement - the site should still be functional without JS, but you provide an enhanced experience to those whose browsers support it.

Always, I wouldn’t feel very professional if I didn’t.

“Progressive Enhancement” is not a new idea.

Not that a site will be the same without the javascript, but I want it to be usable.

Same with HTML, images and CSS

  • the “raw” markup is still readable even without images or style
  • pages without style are still usable
  • pages without images still make sense

The HTML is the “foundation”, all else just helps to make it better.

I agree with fretburner and Mittineague.

Also, a similar subject was discussed in some length recently.
The thread might be worth a read.

The simple answer is yes. The separation of concerns principle in web development makes it imperative. For the average website, JavaScript is normally the last layer added.

However a number of factors, such as commenting systems like disqus, facebook’s recent social media plug-in, or Firefox’s recent choice to omit the more direct option for its users to disable the JavaScript code, will probably lower even more the already low number of users that surf the web with JavaScript turned off.