Javascript works only in FF?!?

I am trying to do some optimized unobtrusive scripting. Basically creating a script that allows me to switch classes on a series of elements. It works perfectly in Firefox, but ALL OTHER browsers are ignoring my script completely. I’ve gone over it with a fine tooth comb, not that it is such a large script anyway, but I am a bit of a noob and I must be missing something stupid. a typo? a declaration that FF forgives but that other browsers cant live w/o? Am at a loss … suggestions are greatly appreciated:

<style type=“text/css”>
li{ list-style-position:inside}
li *:first-child {display:inline;}
li:hover{background: pink}

<script type=“text/javascript”>
function foo(ids , els){

		for (a=0; a&lt; IDcount; a++){
			for (i=0; i&lt; childCount; i++){
				children[i].OnMouseOver=function(){ plusClass("over",this);};
				children[i].OnMouseOut=function(){ minusClass("over",this);};
function plusClass(class, eli){
	eli.className+=" "+class;
function minusClass(class, eli){			 

		 class2=" "+class;
		 if  (oldclass.indexOf(class2)&gt;-1){  newclass=eli.className.replace(class2,""); eli.className=newclass;}

<style type=“text/css”>

<body onLoad=“f<h2></h2>oo”>

&lt;ul id="name"&gt;
      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;
      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;

      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;
      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;
      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;

      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;

      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;
      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;
      	&lt;p&gt;lorem ipsum something something. &lt;/p&gt;

<script type=“text/javascript”>
var IDlist= new Array(“name”);//IDs to watch go in the parentehsis
var ELlist= new Array(“LI”);//corresponding elements go in the parentehsis
foo(IDlist, ELlist);

Well I resolved my own problem … I’m so proud, hahah. Just in case anyone finds this post when looking for an answer to a similar problem… it WAS a stupid thing that broke my script. “class” is a reserved word in javascript and cannot be used as a variable name. BLAST! For some reason, Firefox allows it tho which is one reason I was so thoroughly confused Thank goodness for script validators.

I caught the
<body onLoad=“f<h2></h2>oo”>… thats supposed to be
<body onLoad=“foo(‘name’,‘ul’)”>
stiil doesnt work tho