jCarousel won't hide during load

I’m trying to get jQuery to hide jCarousel images while they load using the following code. It actually worked at one point but refuses to now (which makes me think it’s a minor syntax issue). ‘#carousel’ is the containing ul element. You can see I’ve tried it a few different ways. No errors appeared in Chrome’s debugging console. “show(‘slow’)” doesn’t work either…

      /* Hide jCarousel 
//        $('.jcarousel-container').css('visibility', 'hidden');   
//        $('#carousel').css('visibility', 'hidden'); 

//                $('.jcarousel-container').css('visibility', 'visible'); 
//                $('#carousel').css('visibility', 'visible'); 

       /* Show jCarousel 



In css:

#carousel { visibility: hidden; }

Simplify js.

                $('#carousel').css('visibility', 'visible');


ta da

What was the reason for hiding it in the first place? Was it because of some loading issue? I would just be hesitant to have the slideshow hidden via CSS, as those with JS off will never see anything at all.

Yes, hidden so the list of images don’t stack down the page until jCarousel kicks in.

Have tried with $(‘#carousel’).css(‘visibility’, ‘hidden’); at the top, outside the doc ready function without luck, so unless you have any other suggestions please?

Frankly, think i’d rather the carousel hidden if the user has js disabled :wink:

(Don’t know how anybody can surf the interwebs these days without js)

A better solution would be to fix the height of the slideshow container (assuming that the slides are all the same height) and also set it to overflow: hidden. That’s how I prevent that initial page load overflow.

Nice one. I’ll try that, thanks!