Joomla iframe height 100%?

Hi all,

So I’ve been developing a website and come across a particular problem. I am trying to iframe a property search however the iframe won’t adjust to the content height of 100%. I’ve tried using some of the code suggested in this thread - This doesn’t solve my issue so I’m wondering if anyone here knows the answer?


Does the iframe container have a height set? height: 100% is a tricky area and generally doesn’t work the way people expect—not with CSS, anyway. In that thread they are utilizing JavaScript, which may be your only option here. However, we’d need to see your page to be able to help. :slight_smile:

Hi ralph,

The iframe container (content inside the iframe) does not have a set height. The site I’m working on is and the search results I’m trying to iframe are located at

How do you actually want this to appear? I’d suggest letting the wrapper around the iframe just sit snugly around it, rather than trying to force the height of the iframe … which is hard to do when the content is coming from an external source.

At the moment the content is coming from a Joomla module (wrapper) which links the iframe content. I’m not sure how I can enable this to fit unless I specify a pixel height.

It’s not really clear what you do and don’t have access to. Can you edit the CSS on things like the <div class=“rt-block component-block”>?

I can as that is part of the template. I can possibly edit the remote content as well if that would help, I just need to gain access for that.

Can you maybe post a screen shot of how you want this to appear?

So that’s giving the iframe a height in pixels, however on pages that display less properties the iframe remains the same height. My only other option is to have a scroll bar inside the iframe.

Hm, the Steveway page that you linked to has 2 items, and everything seems quite snug there (in Chrome). Is this a browser issue, or am I missing something?

2 items? Can you explain some more please? Basically the rentals and sales searches are there, however the problem is the height of the iframe not being 100% or aligned with the bottom of the content.

Any ideas? The issue is still the 100% height or auto height fit for content.