jQplot - having trouble adding another column to the graph

Hi folks,

Hopefully someone can answer this one for me. I am trying to modify some jscript to include a second column of data that has been added to the table for a graph. The trouble is I cannot get it to display the new column in the data

Here is the js:

function buildGraph (table) {
  // Build Graph
  var graphData = [];
  var gType = '';
  var chartDiv = table.prev('.chart-container').attr('id');
  $('tr', table).each(function(i) {
    if(i > 0){
      var tableData = [$(this).children('td').eq(0).text(),parseInt($(this).children('td').eq(1).text().replace(/,/g, ''))];
  // check which type of Graph to draw
  if('%asset_metadata_graphType%' == 'line') {
    gType = $.jqplot.LineRenderer;
  else if('%asset_metadata_graphType%' == 'bar') {
    gType = $.jqplot.BarRenderer;

//$.jqplot('target', data, options)
  $.jqplot(chartDiv, [graphData], {
//title: '%asset_metadata_graphTitle%',
        rendererOptions: {
           barWidth: 30,
           highlightMouseOver: true
	pointLabels: { show: true },

    seriesColors: ['#2166ac','#666666'],
	seriesDefaults: {
          pointLabels: { show: true },
          renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,

    axesDefaults: {
        tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
        tickOptions: {
            fontSize: '8pt'
    axes: {
     xaxis: {
        renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer, 
        label:$('th', table).eq(0).text(),
        labelOptions: {

     yaxis: {
        label:$('th', table).eq(1).text(),
        labelOptions: {

and here is the table data. The ‘Actual’ column data displays fine in the graph. The ‘Forecast’ column is the new data.

<table id="barchart-table" class="graph-data" summary="Commodity Import Totals" border="1" height="85" width="280">
      <th id="_td0_0"> Month </th>
      <th id="_td0_1"> Actual </th>
      <th id="_td0_2"> Forecast </th>
      <td id="_td1_0" align="center"> July </td>
      <td headers="_td0_1 _td1_0" id="_td1_1" align="center"> 963240 </td>
      <td headers="_td0_2 _td2_0" id="_td1_2" align="center"> 1999000 </td>
      <td id="_td2_0" align="center"> August </td>
      <td headers="_td0_1 _td2_0" id="_td2_1" align="center"> 1158807 </td>
      <td headers="_td0_2 _td2_0" id="_td2_2" align="center"> 2000500 </td>
      <td id="_td3_0" align="center"> September </td>
      <td headers="_td0_1 _td3_0" id="_td3_1" align="center"> 1069036 </td>
      <td headers="_td0_2 _td3_0" id="_td3_2" align="center"> 3400500 </td>
      <td id="_td4_0" align="center"> October </td>
      <td headers="_td0_1 _td4_0" id="_td4_1" align="center"> 1186653 </td>
      <td headers="_td0_2 _td4_0" id="_td4_2" align="center"> 2500500 </td>
      <td id="_td5_0" align="center"> November </td>
      <td headers="_td0_1 _td5_0" id="_td5_1" align="center"> 1182294 </td>
      <td headers="_td0_2 _td5_0" id="_td5_2" align="center"> 1500000 </td>
      <td id="_td6_0" align="center"> December </td>
      <td headers="_td0_1 _td6_0" id="_td6_1" align="center"> 1102414 </td>
      <td headers="_td0_2 _td6_0" id="_td6_2" align="center"> 1000000 </td>

Any help is extremely appreciated.

Bump. Anyone able to help?