Jquery and data-attr

This concerns a table where I show 5 rows at a time.
The follow code is working 100 percent perfect in firefox. But in ie8,
only the top row can be clicked for the editdiv to show. Whereas, in firefox
I can click on any of the five rows and the editdiv loads as expected.

Line in php file that calls the function:

echo "<td><a id=\\"editjq\\" href=\\"#\\" vid='".$vid."' t1='".$db->hscadd($t1)."' page='".$page."' flag='1')\\">  [edit ]  </a></td>";

The function:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('a#editjq').click(function() {
var petid = $(this).attr('vid');
var t1 = $(this).attr('t1');
var page = $(this).attr('page');
var flag = $(this).attr('flag');
  $.post("edit_lookup.php", {
    petid : petid,
    t1 : t1,
    page : page
    }, function(data){
   if (data.length>0){ 
return false;
});  //end///////////////// 

Does anyone know why this doesn’t work in ie8?

Try using a class instead of an id

Class worked, thanks