JQuery animated navigation

Hi, I’m working through the Jquery Ninja book and all is going well right up to chapter 03/09-animated navigation. I’m supposed to animate the background of an <li> on mouse over/mouse out. I can get the animated blob to work, however, it appears after the <ul>, not behind the <li>. See the code attached and also a screen shot of where the blob appears on page load - I’ve styled the blob red so you can see it easily.
Where am I going wrong?

//create wobbly blob
$('&lt;div id="topnav_blob"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;').css({
    width: $('#topnav li:first a').width() + 10,
    height: $('#topnav li:first a').height() + 10

//trigger blob
$('#topnav a').hover(function(){
//mouse over event
{ width: $(this).width() + 10, left: $(this).position().left },
{ duration: 'slow', easing: 'elasticEaseIn', queue: false }

}, function() {

//mouse out event
{ width: 'hide' },
{ duration: 'slow', easing: 'circEaseOut', queue: false }
{ left: $('#topnav li:first a').position().left });


HI, changed value to zero but result is the same :frowning:

I notice you have width: ‘hide’. ‘hide’ doesn’t sound like a valid value; should it be zero?

In case you didn’t find a solution to this problem I thought I would post here (and it may be useful to others) that after having the same problem I found a thread about something similar and tried putting the jquery library file in the same folder as my other script files - it resolved the problem (I was initially using the external Google link).