Jquery datepicker set pickable only a day for week

Hi all,
I’m struggling to find a way
to enable an user to pick the
first day of the week (you know the name monday
just in case :slight_smile: ).
I need to set the datepicker
with only all the monday highlighted and pickable.
I’m wondering if there is a way I looking for it
googling just a lot with no luck.
So what’s to you think about it ?
Do you know any other way to do that ?
(The widget goes for a daterange picker for a list of chart)
best regards ^^
tut I’m at my wits end :frowning:

You can use the beforeShowDay method. In there, you can check if that day is a monday.

Thanks just a lot for the hint :slight_smile:

Have a look at “Disable Specific Dates” example in this article 5 jQuery UI Datepicker Examples. The beforeShowDay function allows you to specify a callback which you can use to disable arbitrary dates/day of week/etc.

Thanks for the usefull link :slight_smile: