jQuery DatePicker - Unavailable dates from database

Hello, I’m trying to retrieve dates from the database based on a selection. If a user selects singer A for example, then I’m going through the database and get the unavailable dates of singer A.

var unavailableDates;

function unavailable(date) {
    dmy = date.getDate() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getFullYear();
    if ($.inArray(dmy, unavailableDates) == -1) {
        return [true, ""];
    } else {
        return [false, "", "Unavailable"];

        dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
        beforeShowDay: unavailable,
        minDate: 0,
        firstDay: 1, // rows starts on Monday
        changeMonth: true,
        changeYear: true,
        showOtherMonths: true,
        selectOtherMonths: true,
        altField: '#date_due',
        altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'

        url: 'getDates.php',
        data: "artist_id="+$('#name').html(),
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function(data)


Everything works fine. I used the “getDates.php” to retrieve the dates and pass them through the function. But how can I pass the “data” (within “success: function()”) to the unavailable dates above? I get the dates from database but I don’t know how to link them with the array “unavailableDates” (line 1) in order to show unavailable dates in datePicker.


What does data contain in the success callback?

Also, instead of using alert to display it, you should log it to the console:

success: function(data){

Dear pullo,

Data contains different dates. For example:

But i dont know how to pass the returned dates to the unavailableDates array (line 1)


This seems to be more of a JS question, so I’ve moved the thread to the JS forum.

As for your question, why can’t you just assign the return value of the success callback to the unavailableDates variable?

success: function(data){
  unavailableDates = data;

I’ve already tried that but for some reason it doesn’t show the unavailable dates in the datepicker.

the function unavailable get the unavailableDates and make them black and unclickable.

function unavailable(date) {
    dmy = date.getDate() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getFullYear();
    if ($.inArray(dmy, unavailableDates) == -1) {
        return [true, ""];
    } else {
        return [false, "", "Unavailable"];

Then the datepicker use the unavailable function (see beforeShowday: unavailable) in order to know what dates are unavailable and make them unclickable.

        dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
        beforeShowDay: unavailable,
        minDate: 0,
        firstDay: 1, // rows starts on Monday
        changeMonth: true,
        changeYear: true,
        showOtherMonths: true,
        selectOtherMonths: true,
        altField: '#date_due',
        altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'

I tried to assign data to unavailableDates variable but it doesn’t work. The datepicker shows all dates no matter if they are unavailable or not.

        success: function(data)
           unavailableDates = data;

Hello again,
I found out what was the problem… the date format was different. It needed to be dd-mm-yyyy and not yyyy–mm–dd.
Now it shows the unavailable dates with one small problem left though. When I first click on the datepicker it shows all dates (even unavailable). When I click again THEN it shows the unavailable dates and make them black and unclickable. Does anyone know why?

Thank’s a lot for your quick help Pullo and sorry for the double post.


Could you post a link to your page?

it’s not online yet but I can show you step by step with printscreens:

Maybe the problem is the ‘.focus’ ?

        url: 'getDates.php',                           
        data: "artist_id="+$('#name').html(),                        
        dataType: 'json',                     
        success: function(data)          