Jquery loop to create dynamic-multiple vars?


I am not sure if this is possible, but I want to create a multiple vars dynamically, for instance, these are the vars I create manually,

var left_1 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(0);
    var left_2 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(1);
    var left_3 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(2);

but the problem is I only need two or one vars above sometimes. but three is the max.

so I am thinking of passing a parameter into the function to tell the code to create either 2 or 3 vars,

// I declare empty vars first
    var left_1;
    var left_2;
    var left_3;
    // get the number from somewhere, from the class for instnace
    var last_class = $(this).attr("class").split(' ').slice(-1); 
    // loop the number with for loop
    for( var i = 1; i <= last_class; i++){
        left_1 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(i-1);

but you notice that I am stuck - how can I loop the var in the {} of the for-loop?

basically I want the for loop to produce the multiple vars like these (same as above),

var left_1 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(0);
    var left_2 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(1);
    var left_3 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(2);

I also need to pass the vars into another function which is kept within that parent function like this,

another_function(left_1, left_2, left_3); 

is it possible??



Why don’t you just put your elements into an array, that you can then pass as arguments to a function:
var left = ;
for( var i = 0; i < last_class; i++)
left.push($(‘.column-global.left .item-global’).eq(i));


thanks for the reply. tried it but doesn’t work for me yet… if you take a look on some code here that I use your push.() suggestion,

        var left = [];
        var right = [];
        var clone = [];
        var left_1;
        var left_2;
        var left_3;
        var right_1;
        var right_2;
        var right_3;
        var clone_1;
        var clone_2;
        var clone_3;
        var array_class = $(this).attr('class').split(' '); 
        var last_class = $(this).attr("class").split(' ').slice(-1); 
        /* scroll the page to the top at 170 px */
        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:170}, 'slow');
        /* add a .current class to the target item */
        /* cloning the elements */
        for( var i = 1; i <= last_class; i++){
            left.push($('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(i-1));
	    right.push($('.column-global.right .item-global').eq(i-1));
	    clone[i] = right[i].clone().insertAfter(left[i]);
        var left_1 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(0);
        var left_2 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(1);
        var left_3 = $('.column-global.left .item-global').eq(2);
        var right_1 = $('.column-global.right .item-global').eq(0);
        var right_2 = $('.column-global.right .item-global').eq(1);
        var right_3 = $('.column-global.right .item-global').eq(2);
        var clone_1 = right_1.clone().insertAfter(left_1);
        var clone_2 = right_2.clone().insertAfter(left_2);
        var clone_3 = right_3.clone().insertAfter(left_3);
        /* prepend a fresh div */
        $('.column-global.right').prepend('<div class="wrapper-item"></div>');

        var path_url = $(this).attr('href');
        var path_file = $(this).attr('rel');
        var item_wrapper = $('.wrapper-item');
        var array_url = path_url.split('/');
        var pg_url = $(array_url).last()[0];
        item_wrapper.load(http_root+rp_template+path_file+'?url='+pg_url, function(){
            /* function pagination that allows you to click through the slices of the item */
           loop_item(item_wrapper, path_file, pg_url, clone_1, clone_2, clone_3, right_1, right_2, right_3);
            /* funstion button that returns you to the original */
           return_item(clone_1, clone_2, clone_3, right_1, right_2, right_3);


        return false;

/* funstion button that returns you to the original */
function return_item(clone_1, clone_2, clone_3, right_1, right_2, right_3) {

    /* remove all the clones */

    /* return all the clone parents */
    return false;

