Jquery - phonegap send email form from andoid app

Good evening to everybody!
I have an app created with HTML5, Javascript and JqueryMobile with Phonegap.
I’m trying to create a form sending an easy email.
I tryed using an external php file but it not working. Following you can see the codes and I hope that somebody could help me.



<script src="js/invio-email.js"></script>
<form action="http://www.mysite.net/hdl-data.php" id="formail" method="post">
Nome:*<input id="nome" name="nome" type="text" size="40" required />
E-mail:*<input id="email" name="email" type="text" size="60" required />
Età del lettore:*<input id="etalettore" name="etalettore" type="text" size="10" required />
Genere letterario preferito:*<input id="genere" name="genere" type="text" size="40" required />
Ultimo libro letto:*<input id="ultimolibro" name="ultimolibro" type="text" size="40" required />
Note:<textarea id="note" cols="20" rows="5" name="note"></textarea>

<input id="invia" name="invia" type="submit" value="Invia" />

following the js file invio-email.js

$(document).ready(function() {
  // Bind this action as a function to be executed when the button is clicked...
  $('input[type="submit"][value="invia"]').click(function() {
  $.post('http://www.mysite.net/hdl-data.php', {

      nome: $('#nome').val(),
      email: $('#email').val(),
      etalettore: $('#etalettore').val(),
      genere: $('#genere').val(),
      ultimo-libro: $('#ultimolibro').val(),
      note: $('#note').val()

      // HTML function

      }, function (html) {
          // Place the HTML in a astring
          var response=html;

          // PHP was done and email sent
          if (response=="success") {
            alert("Message sent!");
          } else {

            // Error postback
            alert("Please fill all fields!");
            return false;

At the end there is the the php file hdl-data.php


    // VARS

    $Headers = "From:" . $email;

    $nome=="" ||
    $Email=="" ||
    $etalettore=="" ||
    $genere=="" ||
    $ultimolibro=="" ||
    ) {
        echo "Error";
    } else {
        mail("myemail@email.net","mobile app message",$nome, $Headers);
        echo "Success";