Jquery - Pipe Original Data to Ajax Fail event

Hello, I have a scenario i’m trying to understand so I can implement it in my jquery code.

I have a series of jquery ajax calls that use this function:

callService = function(url,data){
		var request = $.ajax({
			url: url,
			data: data,
			dataType: "jsonp",
			jsonp : "callback",
			jsonpCallback: "jsoncallback",
			error:function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
				DisplayError({error:thrownError, data});

I use this function to async load multiple components in my ui. When I have a success everythings work perfectly because the response contains all the data I need. But, when “error” is triggered I run into a problem because it does not return any of the original data. I need the original data in order to associate the ajax call to a specific component in my ui.

I found the pipe function in jquerys documentation and i’m trying to understand how to use it. What I would like to do is ‘pipe’ the data variable used in the ajax request into the error function. I’m a little confused on the syntax to do this and would appreciate some help or suggestions for better approaches.

Thanks for your help.

It looks like you’re trying to pass in a single value to an object without setting a key, you might want to try:

DisplayError({error:thrownError, "data":data}); //note the key:value syntax