jQuery Responsive Equal Height Per 2 Coulmns

I have this markup:

<div class="wrapper">[INDENT]<article>A</article>

which is floated and forms a two-column list. Each article has a variable height due to its contents.

What I want is each pair should have the same height based on which of the two has the tallest height. I have found variations of equalHeights plugin but all of them force equal heights to all elements. I just need each pair to be the same height, not all elements. Is this possible or are there any existing plugin for this?

Expected Sample output:

    |   A   |    B    |
    |       |         |
    |   C   |    D    |
    |       |         |
    |       |         |
    |       |         |
    |       |         |
    |   E   |    F    |
    |       |         |

The best solution here may be to adjust your markup to represent the intended organisation of the page, by placing a section around each pair of articles.

<div class="wrapper">

It’s impossible for me to change the markup.

It comes from a CMS and all it output is:


You’re in luck then, for scripting can very easily adjust the markup in that kind of way.