jQuery rotating banner - problem w/ all images loading on start

Hi everyone,

I integrated a simple jQuery rotating banner into my site.


It works pretty well, but I had the same minor issue that several people in the comments had, where upon loading the page, all slides are overlapping for a split-second.

“Is there a way to hide the loading process and just show the 1st slide? I love the code and i’ve been trying to figure out a way to avoid seeing that initial slide right with all the slides on queue.”

One person gave this code as a fix, but it only seems to work if all slides are images, and text gets overlapped if there is any.

Inside jQuery(document).ready(function() {

jqb_tmp = ((i – 1)*460) – ((jqb_vCurrent -1)*460);
//$(this).animate({“left”: jqb_tmp+”px”}, 500);

Does any jQuery expert out there know how to fix this code?

Any ideas are appreciated… The full jqbanner.js is below.


var jqb_title;

jQuery(document).ready(function() {	
	jqb_vTotal = $(".jqb_slides").children().size() -1;
	jqb_intInterval = setInterval(jqb_fnLoop, jqb_vDuration);
	$("#jqb_object").find(".jqb_slide").each(function(i) { 
		jqb_tmp = ((i - 1)*460) - ((jqb_vCurrent -1)*460);
		$(this).animate({"left": jqb_tmp+"px"}, 500);
	$("#btn_pauseplay").click(function() {
			jqb_vIsPause = false;
		} else {
			jqb_vIsPause = true;
	$("#btn_prev").click(function() {
		jqb_vGo = -1;
	$("#btn_next").click(function() {
		jqb_vGo = 1;

function jqb_fnChange(){
	jqb_intInterval = setInterval(jqb_fnLoop, jqb_vDuration);

function jqb_fnLoop(){
	if(jqb_vGo == 1){
		jqb_vCurrent == jqb_vTotal ? jqb_vCurrent = 0 : jqb_vCurrent++;
	} else {
		jqb_vCurrent == 0 ? jqb_vCurrent = jqb_vTotal : jqb_vCurrent--;
	$("#jqb_object").find(".jqb_slide").each(function(i) { 
		if(i == jqb_vCurrent){
			jqb_title = $(this).attr("title");
			$(".jqb_info").animate({ opacity: 'hide', "left": "-50px"}, 250,function(){
				$(".jqb_info").text(jqb_title).animate({ opacity: 'show', "left": "0px"}, 500);

		//Horizontal Scrolling
		jqb_tmp = ((i - 1)*460) - ((jqb_vCurrent -1)*460);
		$(this).animate({"left": jqb_tmp+"px"}, 500);
		//Fade In & Fade Out
		if(i == jqb_vCurrent){
			$(this).animate({ opacity: 'show', height: 'show' }, 500);
		} else {
			$(this).animate({ opacity: 'hide', height: 'hide' }, 500);
