Jquery shadowbox read a video issue


I try to use js to read a video in my page but as well to zoom on a picture in the same page.

If i just want to read a video, it works just by using :

    <link href="/js/shadowbox/shadowbox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 
    <script src="/js/shadowbox/shadowbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<a href="/Media/Vid_lb.flv" rel="shadowbox[employees];height=360;width=640;"  title="LB"> 
 <img src="/styles/images/lb.jpg" alt="" width="213" height="120" /><br /> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    /* <![CDATA[ */ 
        skipSetup: false, 
        players: ["flv"], 
        overlayColor: "#ffffff", 
        overlayOpacity: 0.7, 
        flashVars: { 
            autostart:          "true", 
            screenalpha:        "0", 
            plugins:                "viral-2,gapro-1", 
            "gapro.accountid":      "UA-5555555-0", 
            "gapro.trackstarts":    "true", 
            "gapro.tracktime":      "true", 
            "viral.callout":            "always", 
            "viral.oncomplete":         "true", 
            "viral.functions":          "link", 
            "viral.link":               "...Employees.aspx", 
            "viral.onpause":            "false", 
            "viral.matchplayercolors":  "false", 
            "viral.allowmenu":          "true", 
            "viral.allowdock":          "false", 
            "viral.multidock":          "false", 
            "viral.fgcolor":            "339999", 
            "viral.bgcolor":            "000000" 
    /* ]]> */ 

This way it shows the video properly by clicking on it, the video come in the middle of the screen…

But as soon as I’m adding :

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>

To use zoom on pictures on the same page … now when I’m clicking on the video to see it, i’ve an windows popup which ask me to open it or download it. Any idea?


nobody have an idea? :frowning: