JQuery Toggle Slider not working

Hi all,

I have a problem with a slider i am trying to get working this is what i have atm

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
			//return true;
			//return true;
			//return true;
			//return true;
			//return true;

That is my Javascript code for hiding my id’s of the tables

And here is the code i have

i have a php function called ShowConsole() and when i click on MembersSection it should toggle Members html table only issue its display it but doesnt toggle or hide it when page gets displayed.

This is the code

            	<th colspan="3" id="MembersSection" align="center">Members</th>
	$group = "Members";

The ShowConsole function is this

function showConsole($group)
	$r2Query="SELECT * FROM console WHERE rankgroup='$group'"; 
	if(!$rs)  {
		echo "Error:".mysqli_error($con); 
	echo '<table border="1" id="'.$group.'">';
	$c = 1;
	while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
		if($c == 1) {
			//start of new row
			echo "<tr>";
		echo "<td><a href=members.php?cmd=perms&cid=".$row['cid'].">".$row['consolename']."</a></td>";
		if($c == 3) {
			//last row
			echo "</tr>";
			$c = 0;
	echo '</table>';

But what am i doing wrong to get it to toggle or not but to get them to hide on load?

What am i doing wrong?


Try creating a CSS stylesheet that says this:

#Officers {display:none;}

That will cause whatever element that has that id to not display when the page loads. But it can be displayed while the page is up via jquery functions/events.

Your javascript had a few syntax errors in, while i was fixing them i thought of a way to get your code smaller because of the naming convention you have setup. See the below code for an extra small version of your code.

$(function() {
    $('#Officers, #Generals, #Leaders, #Webmaster').hide();
    $('#MembersSection, #OfficersSection, #GeneralsSection, #LeadersSection, #WebmasterSection').click(function() {
        $('#' + $(this).attr('id').replace(/Section/i, '')).slideToggle('slow');