JQuery's BXSlider implementation into my top nav

Hiya again everyone!

Live Demo Page: http://rafflebananza.com/admin/test.html#

My top navigation is made up of loads of ul’s and li’s which is pretty standard, have a look at part of my source below:

<ul id="TopNavList">
        <a href="test.html">
            <i class="fa fa-home"></i>
    <li id="BrowseRaffles">
        <a href="# ">
            <i class="fa fa-ticket "></i>
            Browse Raffles
        <ul id="RafflesCategories" class="bxslider">
                <a href="#" class="EntertainmentImg"></a>
                <a href="#" class="ChildrenRafflesImg"></a>

Under my browsing category, I would like to implement JQuery’s BXSlider Carousel with dynamic number of slides under the drop down.

I have download the bx slider script and implemented everything, however I believe it is not working as I do not have an image in the HTML like so:

<a href="#"><img...

Instead I have the link have class name with an image background. How can I get the BXSlider to work?

Best Regards,

Sounds like you need to set a width and height to the LIs. You really ought to include the BX code in the link you posted. But also please optimize that gigantic background image. It’s not fair to ask users to download a huge file like that.

Lol, 5MB is hefty for a background image, especially if your users are on a mobile device.

I just used GIMP to get the file size down to 5.0MB, then used TinyPNG to further compress it to 1.42 MB without any reduction in quality.

I attached the compressed file to this post.

I would want to see it down around 142 KB before I’d be happy.

Any idea how to do that?

BTW, I just saw this on SitePoint.
Seemed kinda relevant: http://www.sitepoint.com/image-compression-tools/

Yes, that article gives some good tips. I normally just use the Save for Web feature in Ps, but you can do better with those tools listed, such as TinyPNG—assuming you are happy to serve the image up in that format.

Regarding my background image, it is not the final version but upon being complete, I’ll do my best to reduce the background file size.

Removed the background images whilst working and whilst they are being fully made.

So back to your original question:

You want to implement this slider within the navigation of your site - not using images, but setting a background image on the various anchor tags.

Did I get that correct?

<a href="#"><img class="EntertainmentImg"></a>

I tried the above which also worked, showing the image and the images hover image. This did not get the bxslider to work. placing the <ul class=“bxslider”> content </div> outside of the nav area will get it to work, I am just failing to implement it so that when you click on ‘Browse Raffles’ it drops down and you see the slider.

Ok, well I can try and help, but if it turns out to be a CSS issue, you might have to head to the CSS forum.

Can you strip all of the unnecessary CSS out of your demo page (let’s just use the desktop version for the time being), as well as the unnecessary JavaScript, then let me know.

Is this okay?

Could you get rid of all of the media queries CSS, as well as the unnecessary JS (e.g. the window.resize() stuff).

Try now please


I think there are a couple of problems.

  1. the bxslider is hidden during initialisation so it doesn’t get initialised correctly.

  2. By applying the bxlsider class to the nested ul you break the structure of the dropown list as the bxslider inserts elements above and thus breaks the way the menu works.

To get over issue 2 I would simnply add the bxslider to an inner element instead like this:

<li id="BrowseCharitable"> <a href="# "> <i class="fa fa-users"></i> Charitable Causes </a>
		<ul class="bxparent">
						<div class="bxslider">
								<div> <a href="#" class="CharitableOrgImg">1a</a> </div>
								<div> <a href="#" class="SocialPeerGroupImg">2a</a> </div>
								<div> <a href="#" class="CommunityPublicImg">3a</a> </div>
								<div> <a href="#" class="OtherCausesImg">4a</a> </div>
								<div> <a href="#" class="OtherCausesImg">5a</a> </div>
								<div> <a href="#" class="OtherCausesImg">6a</a> </div>

You will then need to over-ride the set height:

#TopNavigation ul li ul.bxparent {

For issue 1 you can try this but Pullo will probably have a better solution :slight_smile:

			  minSlides: 3,
			  maxSlides: 6,
			  slideWidth: 170,
			  slideMargin: 10
		[B]	$('.bxparent').hide();[/B]

I just added the show and hide before and after the existing initialisation routine so that it gets initialised properly and works as expected (tested locally). However Pullo will probably have a more efficient way of doing that.

This was the local code I was testing which will work if tested while online.

<!doctype html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link href="../assets/global/plugins/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
html, body {
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
	min-height: 2000px;
html {
	background-position: center top;
	background-size: contain;
	background-repeat: repeat-y;
body {
	margin-top: 35px;
	background-position: center top;
	background-size: 100% auto;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
#TopNavigation {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	height: 34px;
	background-image: url(http://egentec.com/raffles/images/navi-bg.png);
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #d1a800;
	z-index: 1000;
#TopNavigation ul li:hover a {
	color: #b11016;
#TopNavigation ul li:hover {
	background: #f7dd71;
.CharitableOrgImg {
	background-position:center center;
.CharitableOrgImg:hover {
.SocialPeerGroupImg {
	background-position:center center;
.SocialPeerGroupImg:hover {
.OtherCausesImg {
	background-position:center center;
.OtherCausesImg:hover {
.CommunityPublicImg {
	background-position:center center;
.CommunityPublicImg:hover {
.ChildrenImg {
	background-position:center center;
.ChildrenImg {
	background-position:center center;
.ChildrenImg:hover {
.EntertainmentImg {
	background-position:center center;
.EntertainmentImg:hover {
.HandHeldtImg {
	background-position:center center;
.HandHeldtImg:hover {
.MicrosoftConsoleImg {
	background-position:center center;
.MicrosoftConsoleImg:hover {
.SonyConsoleImg {
	background-position:center center;
.SonyConsoleImg:hover {
.NintendoConsoleImg {
	background-position:center center;
.NintendoConsoleImg:hover {
.bxslider {
html, body {
/** ----- TOP DROP DOWN STARTS ----- **/
		#TopNavigation {
	width: 100%;
#TopNavigation .DropDownWrap {
	display: none;
#TopNavList {
	display: block;
#TopNavigation ul {
	width: 940px;
	display: block;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0 auto;
	overflow: hidden;
	list-style: none;
#TopNavigation ul li {
	float: left;
	display: block;
	width: auto !important;
#TopNavigation ul li:first-child {
	margin-left: 10px;
#TopNavigation ul li a {
	display: inline-block;
	margin: 5px 0;
	padding: 2px 20px 1px 20px;
	font-size: 18px;
	text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #333333;
	border-left: 1px solid #d1a800;
	color: #f7dd71;
	text-decoration: none;
#TopNavigation ul li:first-child a {
	border-left: none;
#TopNavigation ul li ul {
	display: none;
	position: absolute;
	width: 916px;
	height: 200px;
	left: 50%;/* was 50%*/
	margin-left: -461px;
	background: #f7dd71;
	border-left: 1px solid #d1a800;
	border-right: 1px solid #d1a800;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #d1a800;
	border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
	border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 10px;
	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px;
#TopNavigation #BrowseCharitable ul {
	margin-left: -430px;
#TopNavigation ul li:nth-child(2) ul {
	height: 400px;
#TopNavigation .MoreRaffleList {
		#TopNavigation .active {
	background: #f7dd71;
#TopNavigation .active a {
	color: #b11016;
#BrowseCharitable ul li a {
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../assets/global/plugins/mqgenie/mqgenie.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
 * BxSlider v4.1.2 - Fully loaded, responsive content slider
 * http://bxslider.com
 * Copyright 2014, Steven Wanderski - http://stevenwanderski.com - http://bxcreative.com
 * Written while drinking Belgian ales and listening to jazz
 * Released under the MIT license - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT


	var plugin = {};

	var defaults = {

		mode: 'horizontal',
		slideSelector: '',
		infiniteLoop: true,
		hideControlOnEnd: false,
		speed: 500,
		easing: null,
		slideMargin: 0,
		startSlide: 0,
		randomStart: false,
		captions: false,
		ticker: false,
		tickerHover: false,
		adaptiveHeight: false,
		adaptiveHeightSpeed: 500,
		video: false,
		useCSS: true,
		preloadImages: 'visible',
		responsive: true,
		slideZIndex: 50,
		wrapperClass: 'bx-wrapper',

		// TOUCH
		touchEnabled: true,
		swipeThreshold: 50,
		oneToOneTouch: true,
		preventDefaultSwipeX: true,
		preventDefaultSwipeY: false,

		// PAGER
		pager: true,
		pagerType: 'full',
		pagerShortSeparator: ' / ',
		pagerSelector: null,
		buildPager: null,
		pagerCustom: null,

		controls: true,
		nextText: 'Next',
		prevText: 'Prev',
		nextSelector: null,
		prevSelector: null,
		autoControls: false,
		startText: 'Start',
		stopText: 'Stop',
		autoControlsCombine: false,
		autoControlsSelector: null,

		// AUTO
		auto: false,
		pause: 4000,
		autoStart: true,
		autoDirection: 'next',
		autoHover: false,
		autoDelay: 0,
		autoSlideForOnePage: false,

		minSlides: 1,
		maxSlides: 1,
		moveSlides: 0,
		slideWidth: 0,

		onSliderLoad: function() {},
		onSlideBefore: function() {},
		onSlideAfter: function() {},
		onSlideNext: function() {},
		onSlidePrev: function() {},
		onSliderResize: function() {}

	$.fn.bxSlider = function(options){

		if(this.length == 0) return this;

		// support mutltiple elements
		if(this.length > 1){
			return this;

		// create a namespace to be used throughout the plugin
		var slider = {};
		// set a reference to our slider element
		var el = this;
		plugin.el = this;

		 * Makes slideshow responsive
		// first get the original window dimens (thanks alot IE)
		var windowWidth = $(window).width();
		var windowHeight = $(window).height();

		 * ===================================================================================
		 * ===================================================================================

		 * Initializes namespace settings to be used throughout plugin
		var init = function(){
			// merge user-supplied options with the defaults
			slider.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
			// parse slideWidth setting
			slider.settings.slideWidth = parseInt(slider.settings.slideWidth);
			// store the original children
			slider.children = el.children(slider.settings.slideSelector);
			// check if actual number of slides is less than minSlides / maxSlides
			if(slider.children.length < slider.settings.minSlides) slider.settings.minSlides = slider.children.length;
			if(slider.children.length < slider.settings.maxSlides) slider.settings.maxSlides = slider.children.length;
			// if random start, set the startSlide setting to random number
			if(slider.settings.randomStart) slider.settings.startSlide = Math.floor(Math.random() * slider.children.length);
			// store active slide information
			slider.active = { index: slider.settings.startSlide }
			// store if the slider is in carousel mode (displaying / moving multiple slides)
			slider.carousel = slider.settings.minSlides > 1 || slider.settings.maxSlides > 1;
			// if carousel, force preloadImages = 'all'
			if(slider.carousel) slider.settings.preloadImages = 'all';
			// calculate the min / max width thresholds based on min / max number of slides
			// used to setup and update carousel slides dimensions
			slider.minThreshold = (slider.settings.minSlides * slider.settings.slideWidth) + ((slider.settings.minSlides - 1) * slider.settings.slideMargin);
			slider.maxThreshold = (slider.settings.maxSlides * slider.settings.slideWidth) + ((slider.settings.maxSlides - 1) * slider.settings.slideMargin);
			// store the current state of the slider (if currently animating, working is true)
			slider.working = false;
			// initialize the controls object
			slider.controls = {};
			// initialize an auto interval
			slider.interval = null;
			// determine which property to use for transitions
			slider.animProp = slider.settings.mode == 'vertical' ? 'top' : 'left';
			// determine if hardware acceleration can be used
			slider.usingCSS = slider.settings.useCSS && slider.settings.mode != 'fade' && (function(){
				// create our test div element
				var div = document.createElement('div');
				// css transition properties
				var props = ['WebkitPerspective', 'MozPerspective', 'OPerspective', 'msPerspective'];
				// test for each property
				for(var i in props){
					if(div.style[props[i]] !== undefined){
						slider.cssPrefix = props[i].replace('Perspective', '').toLowerCase();
						slider.animProp = '-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transform';
						return true;
				return false;
			// if vertical mode always make maxSlides and minSlides equal
			if(slider.settings.mode == 'vertical') slider.settings.maxSlides = slider.settings.minSlides;
			// save original style data
			el.data("origStyle", el.attr("style"));
			el.children(slider.settings.slideSelector).each(function() {
			  $(this).data("origStyle", $(this).attr("style"));
			// perform all DOM / CSS modifications

		 * Performs all DOM and CSS modifications
		var setup = function(){
			// wrap el in a wrapper
			el.wrap('<div class="' + slider.settings.wrapperClass + '"><div class="bx-viewport"></div></div>');
			// store a namspace reference to .bx-viewport
			slider.viewport = el.parent();
			// add a loading div to display while images are loading
			slider.loader = $('<div class="bx-loading" />');
			// set el to a massive width, to hold any needed slides
			// also strip any margin and padding from el
				width: slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' ? (slider.children.length * 100 + 215) + '%' : 'auto',
				position: 'relative'
			// if using CSS, add the easing property
			if(slider.usingCSS && slider.settings.easing){
				el.css('-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transition-timing-function', slider.settings.easing);
			// if not using CSS and no easing value was supplied, use the default JS animation easing (swing)
			}else if(!slider.settings.easing){
				slider.settings.easing = 'swing';
			var slidesShowing = getNumberSlidesShowing();
			// make modifications to the viewport (.bx-viewport)
				width: '100%',
				overflow: 'hidden',
				position: 'relative'
				maxWidth: getViewportMaxWidth()
			// make modification to the wrapper (.bx-wrapper)
			if(!slider.settings.pager) {
				margin: '0 auto 0px'
			// apply css to all slider children
				'float': slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'none',
				listStyle: 'none',
				position: 'relative'
			// apply the calculated width after the float is applied to prevent scrollbar interference
			slider.children.css('width', getSlideWidth());
			// if slideMargin is supplied, add the css
			if(slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' && slider.settings.slideMargin > 0) slider.children.css('marginRight', slider.settings.slideMargin);
			if(slider.settings.mode == 'vertical' && slider.settings.slideMargin > 0) slider.children.css('marginBottom', slider.settings.slideMargin);
			// if "fade" mode, add positioning and z-index CSS
			if(slider.settings.mode == 'fade'){
					position: 'absolute',
					zIndex: 0,
					display: 'none'
				// prepare the z-index on the showing element
				slider.children.eq(slider.settings.startSlide).css({zIndex: slider.settings.slideZIndex, display: 'block'});
			// create an element to contain all slider controls (pager, start / stop, etc)
			slider.controls.el = $('<div class="bx-controls" />');
			// if captions are requested, add them
			if(slider.settings.captions) appendCaptions();
			// check if startSlide is last slide
			slider.active.last = slider.settings.startSlide == getPagerQty() - 1;
			// if video is true, set up the fitVids plugin
			if(slider.settings.video) el.fitVids();
			// set the default preload selector (visible)
			var preloadSelector = slider.children.eq(slider.settings.startSlide);
			if (slider.settings.preloadImages == "all") preloadSelector = slider.children;
			// only check for control addition if not in "ticker" mode
				// if pager is requested, add it
				if(slider.settings.pager) appendPager();
				// if controls are requested, add them
				if(slider.settings.controls) appendControls();
				// if auto is true, and auto controls are requested, add them
				if(slider.settings.auto && slider.settings.autoControls) appendControlsAuto();
				// if any control option is requested, add the controls wrapper
				if(slider.settings.controls || slider.settings.autoControls || slider.settings.pager) slider.viewport.after(slider.controls.el);
			// if ticker mode, do not allow a pager
				slider.settings.pager = false;
			// preload all images, then perform final DOM / CSS modifications that depend on images being loaded
			loadElements(preloadSelector, start);

		var loadElements = function(selector, callback){
			var total = selector.find('img, iframe').length;
			if (total == 0){
			var count = 0;
			selector.find('img, iframe').each(function(){
				$(this).one('load', function() {
				  if(++count == total) callback();
				}).each(function() {
				  if(this.complete) $(this).load();

		 * Start the slider
		var start = function(){
			// if infinite loop, prepare additional slides
			if(slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.settings.mode != 'fade' && !slider.settings.ticker){
				var slice = slider.settings.mode == 'vertical' ? slider.settings.minSlides : slider.settings.maxSlides;
				var sliceAppend = slider.children.slice(0, slice).clone().addClass('bx-clone');
				var slicePrepend = slider.children.slice(-slice).clone().addClass('bx-clone');
			// remove the loading DOM element
			// set the left / top position of "el"
			// if "vertical" mode, always use adaptiveHeight to prevent odd behavior
			if (slider.settings.mode == 'vertical') slider.settings.adaptiveHeight = true;
			// set the viewport height
			// make sure everything is positioned just right (same as a window resize)
			// onSliderLoad callback
			// slider has been fully initialized
			slider.initialized = true;
			// bind the resize call to the window
			if (slider.settings.responsive) $(window).bind('resize', resizeWindow);
			// if auto is true and has more than 1 page, start the show
			if (slider.settings.auto && slider.settings.autoStart && (getPagerQty() > 1 || slider.settings.autoSlideForOnePage)) initAuto();
			// if ticker is true, start the ticker
			if (slider.settings.ticker) initTicker();
			// if pager is requested, make the appropriate pager link active
			if (slider.settings.pager) updatePagerActive(slider.settings.startSlide);
			// check for any updates to the controls (like hideControlOnEnd updates)
			if (slider.settings.controls) updateDirectionControls();
			// if touchEnabled is true, setup the touch events
			if (slider.settings.touchEnabled && !slider.settings.ticker) initTouch();

		 * Returns the calculated height of the viewport, used to determine either adaptiveHeight or the maxHeight value
		var getViewportHeight = function(){
			var height = 0;
			// first determine which children (slides) should be used in our height calculation
			var children = $();
			// if mode is not "vertical" and adaptiveHeight is false, include all children
			if(slider.settings.mode != 'vertical' && !slider.settings.adaptiveHeight){
				children = slider.children;
				// if not carousel, return the single active child
					children = slider.children.eq(slider.active.index);
				// if carousel, return a slice of children
					// get the individual slide index
					var currentIndex = slider.settings.moveSlides == 1 ? slider.active.index : slider.active.index * getMoveBy();
					// add the current slide to the children
					children = slider.children.eq(currentIndex);
					// cycle through the remaining "showing" slides
					for (i = 1; i <= slider.settings.maxSlides - 1; i++){
						// if looped back to the start
						if(currentIndex + i >= slider.children.length){
							children = children.add(slider.children.eq(i - 1));
							children = children.add(slider.children.eq(currentIndex + i));
			// if "vertical" mode, calculate the sum of the heights of the children
			if(slider.settings.mode == 'vertical'){
				children.each(function(index) {
				  height += $(this).outerHeight();
				// add user-supplied margins
				if(slider.settings.slideMargin > 0){
					height += slider.settings.slideMargin * (slider.settings.minSlides - 1);
			// if not "vertical" mode, calculate the max height of the children
				height = Math.max.apply(Math, children.map(function(){
					return $(this).outerHeight(false);

			if(slider.viewport.css('box-sizing') == 'border-box'){
				height +=	parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('padding-top')) + parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('padding-bottom')) +
							parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('border-top-width')) + parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('border-bottom-width'));
			}else if(slider.viewport.css('box-sizing') == 'padding-box'){
				height +=	parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('padding-top')) + parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('padding-bottom'));

			return height;

		 * Returns the calculated width to be used for the outer wrapper / viewport
		var getViewportMaxWidth = function(){
			var width = '100%';
			if(slider.settings.slideWidth > 0){
				if(slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal'){
					width = (slider.settings.maxSlides * slider.settings.slideWidth) + ((slider.settings.maxSlides - 1) * slider.settings.slideMargin);
					width = slider.settings.slideWidth;
			return width;

		 * Returns the calculated width to be applied to each slide
		var getSlideWidth = function(){
			// start with any user-supplied slide width
			var newElWidth = slider.settings.slideWidth;
			// get the current viewport width
			var wrapWidth = slider.viewport.width();
			// if slide width was not supplied, or is larger than the viewport use the viewport width
			if(slider.settings.slideWidth == 0 ||
				(slider.settings.slideWidth > wrapWidth && !slider.carousel) ||
				slider.settings.mode == 'vertical'){
				newElWidth = wrapWidth;
			// if carousel, use the thresholds to determine the width
			}else if(slider.settings.maxSlides > 1 && slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal'){
				if(wrapWidth > slider.maxThreshold){
					// newElWidth = (wrapWidth - (slider.settings.slideMargin * (slider.settings.maxSlides - 1))) / slider.settings.maxSlides;
				}else if(wrapWidth < slider.minThreshold){
					newElWidth = (wrapWidth - (slider.settings.slideMargin * (slider.settings.minSlides - 1))) / slider.settings.minSlides;
			return newElWidth;

		 * Returns the number of slides currently visible in the viewport (includes partially visible slides)
		var getNumberSlidesShowing = function(){
			var slidesShowing = 1;
			if(slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' && slider.settings.slideWidth > 0){
				// if viewport is smaller than minThreshold, return minSlides
				if(slider.viewport.width() < slider.minThreshold){
					slidesShowing = slider.settings.minSlides;
				// if viewport is larger than minThreshold, return maxSlides
				}else if(slider.viewport.width() > slider.maxThreshold){
					slidesShowing = slider.settings.maxSlides;
				// if viewport is between min / max thresholds, divide viewport width by first child width
					var childWidth = slider.children.first().width() + slider.settings.slideMargin;
					slidesShowing = Math.floor((slider.viewport.width() +
						slider.settings.slideMargin) / childWidth);
			// if "vertical" mode, slides showing will always be minSlides
			}else if(slider.settings.mode == 'vertical'){
				slidesShowing = slider.settings.minSlides;
			return slidesShowing;

		 * Returns the number of pages (one full viewport of slides is one "page")
		var getPagerQty = function(){
			var pagerQty = 0;
			// if moveSlides is specified by the user
			if(slider.settings.moveSlides > 0){
					pagerQty = Math.ceil(slider.children.length / getMoveBy());
					// use a while loop to determine pages
					var breakPoint = 0;
					var counter = 0
					// when breakpoint goes above children length, counter is the number of pages
					while (breakPoint < slider.children.length){
						breakPoint = counter + getNumberSlidesShowing();
						counter += slider.settings.moveSlides <= getNumberSlidesShowing() ? slider.settings.moveSlides : getNumberSlidesShowing();
			// if moveSlides is 0 (auto) divide children length by sides showing, then round up
				pagerQty = Math.ceil(slider.children.length / getNumberSlidesShowing());
			return pagerQty;

		 * Returns the number of indivual slides by which to shift the slider
		var getMoveBy = function(){
			// if moveSlides was set by the user and moveSlides is less than number of slides showing
			if(slider.settings.moveSlides > 0 && slider.settings.moveSlides <= getNumberSlidesShowing()){
				return slider.settings.moveSlides;
			// if moveSlides is 0 (auto)
			return getNumberSlidesShowing();

		 * Sets the slider's (el) left or top position
		var setSlidePosition = function(){
			// if last slide, not infinite loop, and number of children is larger than specified maxSlides
			if(slider.children.length > slider.settings.maxSlides && slider.active.last && !slider.settings.infiniteLoop){
				if (slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal'){
					// get the last child's position
					var lastChild = slider.children.last();
					var position = lastChild.position();
					// set the left position
					setPositionProperty(-(position.left - (slider.viewport.width() - lastChild.outerWidth())), 'reset', 0);
				}else if(slider.settings.mode == 'vertical'){
					// get the last showing index's position
					var lastShowingIndex = slider.children.length - slider.settings.minSlides;
					var position = slider.children.eq(lastShowingIndex).position();
					// set the top position
					setPositionProperty(-position.top, 'reset', 0);
			// if not last slide
				// get the position of the first showing slide
				var position = slider.children.eq(slider.active.index * getMoveBy()).position();
				// check for last slide
				if (slider.active.index == getPagerQty() - 1) slider.active.last = true;
				// set the repective position
				if (position != undefined){
					if (slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal') setPositionProperty(-position.left, 'reset', 0);
					else if (slider.settings.mode == 'vertical') setPositionProperty(-position.top, 'reset', 0);

		 * Sets the el's animating property position (which in turn will sometimes animate el).
		 * If using CSS, sets the transform property. If not using CSS, sets the top / left property.
		 * @param value (int)
		 *  - the animating property's value
		 * @param type (string) 'slider', 'reset', 'ticker'
		 *  - the type of instance for which the function is being
		 * @param duration (int)
		 *  - the amount of time (in ms) the transition should occupy
		 * @param params (array) optional
		 *  - an optional parameter containing any variables that need to be passed in
		var setPositionProperty = function(value, type, duration, params){
			// use CSS transform
				// determine the translate3d value
				var propValue = slider.settings.mode == 'vertical' ? 'translate3d(0, ' + value + 'px, 0)' : 'translate3d(' + value + 'px, 0, 0)';
				// add the CSS transition-duration
				el.css('-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transition-duration', duration / 1000 + 's');
				if(type == 'slide'){
					// set the property value
					el.css(slider.animProp, propValue);
					// bind a callback method - executes when CSS transition completes
					el.bind('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function(){
						// unbind the callback
						el.unbind('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
				}else if(type == 'reset'){
					el.css(slider.animProp, propValue);
				}else if(type == 'ticker'){
					// make the transition use 'linear'
					el.css('-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transition-timing-function', 'linear');
					el.css(slider.animProp, propValue);
					// bind a callback method - executes when CSS transition completes
					el.bind('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function(){
						// unbind the callback
						el.unbind('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
						// reset the position
						setPositionProperty(params['resetValue'], 'reset', 0);
						// start the loop again
			// use JS animate
				var animateObj = {};
				animateObj[slider.animProp] = value;
				if(type == 'slide'){
					el.animate(animateObj, duration, slider.settings.easing, function(){
				}else if(type == 'reset'){
					el.css(slider.animProp, value)
				}else if(type == 'ticker'){
					el.animate(animateObj, speed, 'linear', function(){
						setPositionProperty(params['resetValue'], 'reset', 0);
						// run the recursive loop after animation

		 * Populates the pager with proper amount of pages
		var populatePager = function(){
			var pagerHtml = '';
			var pagerQty = getPagerQty();
			// loop through each pager item
			for(var i=0; i < pagerQty; i++){
				var linkContent = '';
				// if a buildPager function is supplied, use it to get pager link value, else use index + 1
				if(slider.settings.buildPager && $.isFunction(slider.settings.buildPager)){
					linkContent = slider.settings.buildPager(i);
					linkContent = i + 1;
				// var linkContent = slider.settings.buildPager && $.isFunction(slider.settings.buildPager) ? slider.settings.buildPager(i) : i + 1;
				// add the markup to the string
				pagerHtml += '<div class="bx-pager-item"><a href="" data-slide-index="' + i + '" class="bx-pager-link">' + linkContent + '</a></div>';
			// populate the pager element with pager links

		 * Appends the pager to the controls element
		var appendPager = function(){
				// create the pager DOM element
				slider.pagerEl = $('<div class="bx-pager" />');
				// if a pager selector was supplied, populate it with the pager
				// if no pager selector was supplied, add it after the wrapper
				// populate the pager
				slider.pagerEl = $(slider.settings.pagerCustom);
			// assign the pager click binding
			slider.pagerEl.on('click', 'a', clickPagerBind);

		 * Appends prev / next controls to the controls element
		var appendControls = function(){
			slider.controls.next = $('<a class="bx-next" href="">' + slider.settings.nextText + '</a>');
			slider.controls.prev = $('<a class="bx-prev" href="">' + slider.settings.prevText + '</a>');
			// bind click actions to the controls
			slider.controls.next.bind('click', clickNextBind);
			slider.controls.prev.bind('click', clickPrevBind);
			// if nextSlector was supplied, populate it
			// if prevSlector was supplied, populate it
			// if no custom selectors were supplied
			if(!slider.settings.nextSelector && !slider.settings.prevSelector){
				// add the controls to the DOM
				slider.controls.directionEl = $('<div class="bx-controls-direction" />');
				// add the control elements to the directionEl
				// slider.viewport.append(slider.controls.directionEl);

		 * Appends start / stop auto controls to the controls element
		var appendControlsAuto = function(){
			slider.controls.start = $('<div class="bx-controls-auto-item"><a class="bx-start" href="">' + slider.settings.startText + '</a></div>');
			slider.controls.stop = $('<div class="bx-controls-auto-item"><a class="bx-stop" href="">' + slider.settings.stopText + '</a></div>');
			// add the controls to the DOM
			slider.controls.autoEl = $('<div class="bx-controls-auto" />');
			// bind click actions to the controls
			slider.controls.autoEl.on('click', '.bx-start', clickStartBind);
			slider.controls.autoEl.on('click', '.bx-stop', clickStopBind);
			// if autoControlsCombine, insert only the "start" control
			// if autoControlsCombine is false, insert both controls
			// if auto controls selector was supplied, populate it with the controls
			// if auto controls selector was not supplied, add it after the wrapper
			// update the auto controls
			updateAutoControls(slider.settings.autoStart ? 'stop' : 'start');

		 * Appends image captions to the DOM
		var appendCaptions = function(){
			// cycle through each child
				// get the image title attribute
				var title = $(this).find('img:first').attr('title');
				// append the caption
				if (title != undefined && ('' + title).length) {
                    $(this).append('<div class="bx-caption"><span>' + title + '</span></div>');

		 * Click next binding
		 * @param e (event)
		 *  - DOM event object
		var clickNextBind = function(e){
			// if auto show is running, stop it
			if (slider.settings.auto) el.stopAuto();

		 * Click prev binding
		 * @param e (event)
		 *  - DOM event object
		var clickPrevBind = function(e){
			// if auto show is running, stop it
			if (slider.settings.auto) el.stopAuto();

		 * Click start binding
		 * @param e (event)
		 *  - DOM event object
		var clickStartBind = function(e){

		 * Click stop binding
		 * @param e (event)
		 *  - DOM event object
		var clickStopBind = function(e){

		 * Click pager binding
		 * @param e (event)
		 *  - DOM event object
		var clickPagerBind = function(e){
			// if auto show is running, stop it
			if (slider.settings.auto) el.stopAuto();
			var pagerLink = $(e.currentTarget);
			if(pagerLink.attr('data-slide-index') !== undefined){
				var pagerIndex = parseInt(pagerLink.attr('data-slide-index'));
				// if clicked pager link is not active, continue with the goToSlide call
				if(pagerIndex != slider.active.index) el.goToSlide(pagerIndex);

		 * Updates the pager links with an active class
		 * @param slideIndex (int)
		 *  - index of slide to make active
		var updatePagerActive = function(slideIndex){
			// if "short" pager type
			var len = slider.children.length; // nb of children
			if(slider.settings.pagerType == 'short'){
				if(slider.settings.maxSlides > 1) {
					len = Math.ceil(slider.children.length/slider.settings.maxSlides);
				slider.pagerEl.html( (slideIndex + 1) + slider.settings.pagerShortSeparator + len);
			// remove all pager active classes
			// apply the active class for all pagers
			slider.pagerEl.each(function(i, el) { $(el).find('a').eq(slideIndex).addClass('active'); });

		 * Performs needed actions after a slide transition
		var updateAfterSlideTransition = function(){
			// if infinte loop is true
				var position = '';
				// first slide
				if(slider.active.index == 0){
					// set the new position
					position = slider.children.eq(0).position();
				// carousel, last slide
				}else if(slider.active.index == getPagerQty() - 1 && slider.carousel){
					position = slider.children.eq((getPagerQty() - 1) * getMoveBy()).position();
				// last slide
				}else if(slider.active.index == slider.children.length - 1){
					position = slider.children.eq(slider.children.length - 1).position();
					if (slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal') { setPositionProperty(-position.left, 'reset', 0); }
					else if (slider.settings.mode == 'vertical') { setPositionProperty(-position.top, 'reset', 0); }
			// declare that the transition is complete
			slider.working = false;
			// onSlideAfter callback
			slider.settings.onSlideAfter(slider.children.eq(slider.active.index), slider.oldIndex, slider.active.index);

		 * Updates the auto controls state (either active, or combined switch)
		 * @param state (string) "start", "stop"
		 *  - the new state of the auto show
		var updateAutoControls = function(state){
			// if autoControlsCombine is true, replace the current control with the new state
			// if autoControlsCombine is false, apply the "active" class to the appropriate control
				slider.controls.autoEl.find('a:not(.bx-' + state + ')').addClass('active');

		 * Updates the direction controls (checks if either should be hidden)
		var updateDirectionControls = function(){
			if(getPagerQty() == 1){
			}else if(!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.settings.hideControlOnEnd){
				// if first slide
				if (slider.active.index == 0){
				// if last slide
				}else if(slider.active.index == getPagerQty() - 1){
				// if any slide in the middle

		 * Initialzes the auto process
		var initAuto = function(){
			// if autoDelay was supplied, launch the auto show using a setTimeout() call
			if(slider.settings.autoDelay > 0){
				var timeout = setTimeout(el.startAuto, slider.settings.autoDelay);
			// if autoDelay was not supplied, start the auto show normally
			// if autoHover is requested
				// on el hover
					// if the auto show is currently playing (has an active interval)
						// stop the auto show and pass true agument which will prevent control update
						// create a new autoPaused value which will be used by the relative "mouseout" event
						slider.autoPaused = true;
				}, function(){
					// if the autoPaused value was created be the prior "mouseover" event
						// start the auto show and pass true agument which will prevent control update
						// reset the autoPaused value
						slider.autoPaused = null;

		 * Initialzes the ticker process
		var initTicker = function(){
			var startPosition = 0;
			// if autoDirection is "next", append a clone of the entire slider
			if(slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next'){
			// if autoDirection is "prev", prepend a clone of the entire slider, and set the left position
				var position = slider.children.first().position();
				startPosition = slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' ? -position.left : -position.top;
			setPositionProperty(startPosition, 'reset', 0);
			// do not allow controls in ticker mode
			slider.settings.pager = false;
			slider.settings.controls = false;
			slider.settings.autoControls = false;
			// if autoHover is requested
			if(slider.settings.tickerHover && !slider.usingCSS){
				// on el hover
				}, function(){
					// calculate the total width of children (used to calculate the speed ratio)
					var totalDimens = 0;
					  totalDimens += slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' ? $(this).outerWidth(true) : $(this).outerHeight(true);
					// calculate the speed ratio (used to determine the new speed to finish the paused animation)
					var ratio = slider.settings.speed / totalDimens;
					// determine which property to use
					var property = slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top';
					// calculate the new speed
					var newSpeed = ratio * (totalDimens - (Math.abs(parseInt(el.css(property)))));
			// start the ticker loop

		 * Runs a continuous loop, news ticker-style
		var tickerLoop = function(resumeSpeed){
			speed = resumeSpeed ? resumeSpeed : slider.settings.speed;
			var position = {left: 0, top: 0};
			var reset = {left: 0, top: 0};
			// if "next" animate left position to last child, then reset left to 0
			if(slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next'){
				position = el.find('.bx-clone').first().position();
			// if "prev" animate left position to 0, then reset left to first non-clone child
				reset = slider.children.first().position();
			var animateProperty = slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' ? -position.left : -position.top;
			var resetValue = slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' ? -reset.left : -reset.top;
			var params = {resetValue: resetValue};
			setPositionProperty(animateProperty, 'ticker', speed, params);

		 * Initializes touch events
		var initTouch = function(){
			// initialize object to contain all touch values
			slider.touch = {
				start: {x: 0, y: 0},
				end: {x: 0, y: 0}
			slider.viewport.bind('touchstart', onTouchStart);

		 * Event handler for "touchstart"
		 * @param e (event)
		 *  - DOM event object
		var onTouchStart = function(e){
				// record the original position when touch starts
				slider.touch.originalPos = el.position();
				var orig = e.originalEvent;
				// record the starting touch x, y coordinates
				slider.touch.start.x = orig.changedTouches[0].pageX;
				slider.touch.start.y = orig.changedTouches[0].pageY;
				// bind a "touchmove" event to the viewport
				slider.viewport.bind('touchmove', onTouchMove);
				// bind a "touchend" event to the viewport
				slider.viewport.bind('touchend', onTouchEnd);

		 * Event handler for "touchmove"
		 * @param e (event)
		 *  - DOM event object
		var onTouchMove = function(e){
			var orig = e.originalEvent;
			// if scrolling on y axis, do not prevent default
			var xMovement = Math.abs(orig.changedTouches[0].pageX - slider.touch.start.x);
			var yMovement = Math.abs(orig.changedTouches[0].pageY - slider.touch.start.y);
			// x axis swipe
			if((xMovement * 3) > yMovement && slider.settings.preventDefaultSwipeX){
			// y axis swipe
			}else if((yMovement * 3) > xMovement && slider.settings.preventDefaultSwipeY){
			if(slider.settings.mode != 'fade' && slider.settings.oneToOneTouch){
				var value = 0;
				// if horizontal, drag along x axis
				if(slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal'){
					var change = orig.changedTouches[0].pageX - slider.touch.start.x;
					value = slider.touch.originalPos.left + change;
				// if vertical, drag along y axis
					var change = orig.changedTouches[0].pageY - slider.touch.start.y;
					value = slider.touch.originalPos.top + change;
				setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 0);

		 * Event handler for "touchend"
		 * @param e (event)
		 *  - DOM event object
		var onTouchEnd = function(e){
			slider.viewport.unbind('touchmove', onTouchMove);
			var orig = e.originalEvent;
			var value = 0;
			// record end x, y positions
			slider.touch.end.x = orig.changedTouches[0].pageX;
			slider.touch.end.y = orig.changedTouches[0].pageY;
			// if fade mode, check if absolute x distance clears the threshold
			if(slider.settings.mode == 'fade'){
				var distance = Math.abs(slider.touch.start.x - slider.touch.end.x);
				if(distance >= slider.settings.swipeThreshold){
					slider.touch.start.x > slider.touch.end.x ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
			// not fade mode
				var distance = 0;
				// calculate distance and el's animate property
				if(slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal'){
					distance = slider.touch.end.x - slider.touch.start.x;
					value = slider.touch.originalPos.left;
					distance = slider.touch.end.y - slider.touch.start.y;
					value = slider.touch.originalPos.top;
				// if not infinite loop and first / last slide, do not attempt a slide transition
				if(!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && ((slider.active.index == 0 && distance > 0) || (slider.active.last && distance < 0))){
					setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 200);
					// check if distance clears threshold
					if(Math.abs(distance) >= slider.settings.swipeThreshold){
						distance < 0 ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
						// el.animate(property, 200);
						setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 200);
			slider.viewport.unbind('touchend', onTouchEnd);

		 * Window resize event callback
		var resizeWindow = function(e){
			// don't do anything if slider isn't initialized.
			if(!slider.initialized) return;
			// get the new window dimens (again, thank you IE)
			var windowWidthNew = $(window).width();
			var windowHeightNew = $(window).height();
			// make sure that it is a true window resize
			// *we must check this because our dinosaur friend IE fires a window resize event when certain DOM elements
			// are resized. Can you just die already?*
			if(windowWidth != windowWidthNew || windowHeight != windowHeightNew){
				// set the new window dimens
				windowWidth = windowWidthNew;
				windowHeight = windowHeightNew;
				// update all dynamic elements
				// Call user resize handler
				slider.settings.onSliderResize.call(el, slider.active.index);

		 * ===================================================================================
		 * ===================================================================================

		 * Performs slide transition to the specified slide
		 * @param slideIndex (int)
		 *  - the destination slide's index (zero-based)
		 * @param direction (string)
		 *  - INTERNAL USE ONLY - the direction of travel ("prev" / "next")
		el.goToSlide = function(slideIndex, direction){
			// if plugin is currently in motion, ignore request
			if(slider.working || slider.active.index == slideIndex) return;
			// declare that plugin is in motion
			slider.working = true;
			// store the old index
			slider.oldIndex = slider.active.index;
			// if slideIndex is less than zero, set active index to last child (this happens during infinite loop)
			if(slideIndex < 0){
				slider.active.index = getPagerQty() - 1;
			// if slideIndex is greater than children length, set active index to 0 (this happens during infinite loop)
			}else if(slideIndex >= getPagerQty()){
				slider.active.index = 0;
			// set active index to requested slide
				slider.active.index = slideIndex;
			// onSlideBefore, onSlideNext, onSlidePrev callbacks
			slider.settings.onSlideBefore(slider.children.eq(slider.active.index), slider.oldIndex, slider.active.index);
			if(direction == 'next'){
				slider.settings.onSlideNext(slider.children.eq(slider.active.index), slider.oldIndex, slider.active.index);
			}else if(direction == 'prev'){
				slider.settings.onSlidePrev(slider.children.eq(slider.active.index), slider.oldIndex, slider.active.index);
			// check if last slide
			slider.active.last = slider.active.index >= getPagerQty() - 1;
			// update the pager with active class
			if(slider.settings.pager) updatePagerActive(slider.active.index);
			// // check for direction control update
			if(slider.settings.controls) updateDirectionControls();
			// if slider is set to mode: "fade"
			if(slider.settings.mode == 'fade'){
				// if adaptiveHeight is true and next height is different from current height, animate to the new height
				if(slider.settings.adaptiveHeight && slider.viewport.height() != getViewportHeight()){
					slider.viewport.animate({height: getViewportHeight()}, slider.settings.adaptiveHeightSpeed);
				// fade out the visible child and reset its z-index value
				slider.children.filter(':visible').fadeOut(slider.settings.speed).css({zIndex: 0});
				// fade in the newly requested slide
				slider.children.eq(slider.active.index).css('zIndex', slider.settings.slideZIndex+1).fadeIn(slider.settings.speed, function(){
					$(this).css('zIndex', slider.settings.slideZIndex);
			// slider mode is not "fade"
				// if adaptiveHeight is true and next height is different from current height, animate to the new height
				if(slider.settings.adaptiveHeight && slider.viewport.height() != getViewportHeight()){
					slider.viewport.animate({height: getViewportHeight()}, slider.settings.adaptiveHeightSpeed);
				var moveBy = 0;
				var position = {left: 0, top: 0};
				// if carousel and not infinite loop
				if(!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.carousel && slider.active.last){
					if(slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal'){
						// get the last child position
						var lastChild = slider.children.eq(slider.children.length - 1);
						position = lastChild.position();
						// calculate the position of the last slide
						moveBy = slider.viewport.width() - lastChild.outerWidth();
						// get last showing index position
						var lastShowingIndex = slider.children.length - slider.settings.minSlides;
						position = slider.children.eq(lastShowingIndex).position();
					// horizontal carousel, going previous while on first slide (infiniteLoop mode)
				}else if(slider.carousel && slider.active.last && direction == 'prev'){
					// get the last child position
					var eq = slider.settings.moveSlides == 1 ? slider.settings.maxSlides - getMoveBy() : ((getPagerQty() - 1) * getMoveBy()) - (slider.children.length - slider.settings.maxSlides);
					var lastChild = el.children('.bx-clone').eq(eq);
					position = lastChild.position();
				// if infinite loop and "Next" is clicked on the last slide
				}else if(direction == 'next' && slider.active.index == 0){
					// get the last clone position
					position = el.find('> .bx-clone').eq(slider.settings.maxSlides).position();
					slider.active.last = false;
				// normal non-zero requests
				}else if(slideIndex >= 0){
					var requestEl = slideIndex * getMoveBy();
					position = slider.children.eq(requestEl).position();

				/* If the position doesn't exist
				 * (e.g. if you destroy the slider on a next click),
				 * it doesn't throw an error.
				if ("undefined" !== typeof(position)) {
					var value = slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal' ? -(position.left - moveBy) : -position.top;
					// plugin values to be animated
					setPositionProperty(value, 'slide', slider.settings.speed);

		 * Transitions to the next slide in the show
		el.goToNextSlide = function(){
			// if infiniteLoop is false and last page is showing, disregard call
			if (!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.active.last) return;
			var pagerIndex = parseInt(slider.active.index) + 1;
			el.goToSlide(pagerIndex, 'next');

		 * Transitions to the prev slide in the show
		el.goToPrevSlide = function(){
			// if infiniteLoop is false and last page is showing, disregard call
			if (!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.active.index == 0) return;
			var pagerIndex = parseInt(slider.active.index) - 1;
			el.goToSlide(pagerIndex, 'prev');

		 * Starts the auto show
		 * @param preventControlUpdate (boolean)
		 *  - if true, auto controls state will not be updated
		el.startAuto = function(preventControlUpdate){
			// if an interval already exists, disregard call
			if(slider.interval) return;
			// create an interval
			slider.interval = setInterval(function(){
				slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
			}, slider.settings.pause);
			// if auto controls are displayed and preventControlUpdate is not true
			if (slider.settings.autoControls && preventControlUpdate != true) updateAutoControls('stop');

		 * Stops the auto show
		 * @param preventControlUpdate (boolean)
		 *  - if true, auto controls state will not be updated
		el.stopAuto = function(preventControlUpdate){
			// if no interval exists, disregard call
			if(!slider.interval) return;
			// clear the interval
			slider.interval = null;
			// if auto controls are displayed and preventControlUpdate is not true
			if (slider.settings.autoControls && preventControlUpdate != true) updateAutoControls('start');

		 * Returns current slide index (zero-based)
		el.getCurrentSlide = function(){
			return slider.active.index;

		 * Returns current slide element
		el.getCurrentSlideElement = function(){
			return slider.children.eq(slider.active.index);

		 * Returns number of slides in show
		el.getSlideCount = function(){
			return slider.children.length;

		 * Update all dynamic slider elements
		el.redrawSlider = function(){
			// resize all children in ratio to new screen size
			// adjust the height
			slider.viewport.css('height', getViewportHeight());
			// update the slide position
			if(!slider.settings.ticker) setSlidePosition();
			// if active.last was true before the screen resize, we want
			// to keep it last no matter what screen size we end on
			if (slider.active.last) slider.active.index = getPagerQty() - 1;
			// if the active index (page) no longer exists due to the resize, simply set the index as last
			if (slider.active.index >= getPagerQty()) slider.active.last = true;
			// if a pager is being displayed and a custom pager is not being used, update it
			if(slider.settings.pager && !slider.settings.pagerCustom){

		 * Destroy the current instance of the slider (revert everything back to original state)
		el.destroySlider = function(){
			// don't do anything if slider has already been destroyed
			if(!slider.initialized) return;
			slider.initialized = false;
			$('.bx-clone', this).remove();
			slider.children.each(function() {
				$(this).data("origStyle") != undefined ? $(this).attr("style", $(this).data("origStyle")) : $(this).removeAttr('style');
			$(this).data("origStyle") != undefined ? this.attr("style", $(this).data("origStyle")) : $(this).removeAttr('style');
			if(slider.controls.el) slider.controls.el.remove();
			if(slider.controls.next) slider.controls.next.remove();
			if(slider.controls.prev) slider.controls.prev.remove();
			if(slider.pagerEl && slider.settings.controls) slider.pagerEl.remove();
			$('.bx-caption', this).remove();
			if(slider.controls.autoEl) slider.controls.autoEl.remove();
			if(slider.settings.responsive) $(window).unbind('resize', resizeWindow);

		 * Reload the slider (revert all DOM changes, and re-initialize)
		el.reloadSlider = function(settings){
			if (settings != undefined) options = settings;


		// returns the current jQuery object
		return this;


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					b 			= $(this).parent().parent().attr('id');
					c			= $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('id');
					d			= 'RafflesCategories BrowseCharitable';
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			  minSlides: 3,
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			  slideMargin: 10

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This does not appear to work on or off-line?

I must be misunderstanding what you want as the charitable causes dropdown seems to be working with the bxslider sliding the elements as required.

What’s not working exactly or am I missing the point?

You obviously need to style the pagers and the prev next etc but it looks like it working to me.

Ah yes, this is what I wanted, but for the bxslider to be under ‘Browse Raffles’, simple edit I’m sure. I’ll take a deeper look after I get an hours sleep.

Lol, I was looking under “Browse Raffles”, too.
Nice one, Paul!