JS check if object/command supported

I need to check if some JS is supported on a device (desktop browser or mobile, so various devices). If it is then I want to perform various further actions. Below sets a date select calendar, and I was hoping the if( $(‘#test’).datepicker ) {} part would check if it is supported, but sometimes it fires even though it isn;t supported.

What’s the best way to check if the calendar will actually work?

	if (datefield.type!="date"){ //if browser doesn't support input type="date"
	    jQuery(function($){ //on document.ready
	        $('#test').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
	        if( $('#test').datepicker ) {
	       		alert("it works!");

The code is from this: http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker


Just out of curiosity, what browsers are you testing that don’t support the datepicker?