Js regex help plz


in php i do this regex $pattern = “/[0-9\s]\$/”; to ensure that only numbers are entered with spaces, does anyone know the javascript equivalent pz?


What problem are you having with that. AFAIK it should work the same. i.e. capture a number or whitespace character appearing before a dollar sign.

var pattern = /^\d+ ?$/;

Though that says the pattern must start with a number.

With regexes it’s better to try to really know specifically what you’re matching.

*edit I misread the $ in the first post. Mittineague caught it.

thanks guys.

:d’oh: I may have seen the escaped literal $ sign, but I should have said “match” not “capture”.

AFAIK javascript pretty much follows PCRE (Perl) syntax, so any problems you may have with PHP regex -> javascript is if you try to use POSIX syntax.