JScript - 24hrs with leading zero


I found this great calendar program that has 1 main fault. It does not display 24hrs with the leading zero. I think the below code is the root of the problem. Can anyone help me here please as I know no JScript:

//Time Picker

function tPicker(timeFieldId) {
    var timeField = $(timeFieldId);
    var hhmm;

    //compute tpicker coordinates (beneath timeField)
    var x = timeField.offsetLeft + timeField.offsetWidth + 22;
    var y = timeField.offsetTop - 95;
    //deal with elements inside tables and such
    var parent = timeField;
    while (parent.offsetParent) {
        parent = parent.offsetParent;
        x += parent.offsetLeft;
        y += parent.offsetTop ;

    //If not present, create tpDiv, move it to x,y and toggle visibility
    var tpDiv = createDiv("tpDiv", x, y);

     //draw the timepicker table; the timeField object will receive the time
    var html='<div class="tpFrame">';
    var apm = /\\s*a/i.exec(tFormat);
    if (apm != null) {
        var am = String(apm).replace("a","am").replace("A","AM"); 
        var pm = String(apm).replace("a","pm").replace("A","PM"); 
    if (apm != null) { html += '- AM -'; }
    for (var i=7;i<24;i++){
        if (i==7) { html += '<div class="tpAM">'; }
        if (i==12 && (apm != null)) { html += '- PM -'; }
        if (i==12) { html += '<div class="tpPM">'; }
        if (i==18) { html += '<div class="tpEM">'; }
        for (var j=0;j<60;j += 15) {
            if (apm != null) {
                hh = i;
                ampm = (hh < 12) ? am : pm;
                if (hh >= 13) { hh -= 12; }
                hhmm1 = String(hh) + ":" + String("0" + j).slice(-2) + ampm;
                hhmm2 = String("0" + hh).slice(-2) + ":" + String("0" + j).slice(-2);
            } else {
                hhmm1 = hhmm2 = String("0" + i).slice(-2) + ":" + String("0" + j).slice(-2)
            html += '<a class="tpPick" href="#" onclick="updateTimeField(\\''+timeFieldId+'\\', \\''+hhmm1+'\\');">'+hhmm2+'</a>';
            if (j<45) { html += '&nbsp;&nbsp;'; }
        html += (i==11 || i==17 || i==23) ? '</div>' : '<br>';
    html += '</div>';
    tpDiv.innerHTML = html;

function updateTimeField(timeFieldId, timeString) {
    var timeField = $(timeFieldId);
    if (timeString) { timeField.value = timeString; }
    var tpDiv = $("tpDiv");
    tpDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
    tpDiv.style.display = "none";


The code you provided seems to be from the “common/dtpicker.js” file bundled with LuxCal: http://www.luxsoft.eu/
I also see that your question was answered here (amongst other places): http://www.luxsoft.eu/forum/index.php?a=vtopic&t=904