Json data to index.php question

Hello all
trying to pick up some jSon.
i have a reg index.php file.
I have this js that is called in the index file

var request;
		request=new XMLHttpRequest();
	request=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
	request.open('GET', '/js/data.json');
	request.onreadystatehchange = function(){
		if((request.status=200) &&

	var output =" ";
	for(var i =0; i<=info.link.length-1;i++){
		for(key in info.links[i]){
				output += '<li>' + '<a href ="' +info.links[key] + '">' + key + '</a>' +  '</li>';

var update = document.getElementById('links');
update.innerHTML = output;

and this in the data.json file

var info={
	"full_name": "jane doe",
	"title": "web author",

And lastly this bit in the index.php

<ul id="links" class="links">


am doing this on a localhost. in chrome i get an error, > GET http://localhost/js/data.json 404 (Not Found)
but i don’t get a an error in FF. Although it doesn’t display the data there either.
So was hoping you could tell me what i am doing wrong.

quick addendum. saw and corrected some of my js errors. like the typos

var request;
		request=new XMLHttpRequest();
	request=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
	request.open('GET', '/jSon/data.json');
	request.onreadystatechange = function(){
		if((request.status === 200) &&
			(request.readyState === 4)){
			var output="";
			for(var i=0; i<=info.links.length;i){
				for(key in info.links[i]){
					output += '<li>'+'<a href="' + info.links[i][key] + '">' + key + '</a>';
		var update = document.getElementById('links');
		update.innerHTML = output;

i think your JSON-file should not contain any variable declarations
there should be “pure” JSON:

   "full_name": "jane doe",
   "title": "web author",

and you have to parse it after loading:

if (response.readyState == 4 && response.status == 200) {
    var info = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
    // do something with info

will give it a try thank you

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