Junction table query

Hi everyone,

I’m using a junction table which holds the columns hotel_ids and features_ids.

In order to filter the hotels according to the chosen features, I’m using a WHERE clause such as WHERE f.features_name=‘room service’. But what must I do if there are multiple features? Must I use AND or OR, such as WHERE f.features_name=‘room service’ OR f.features_name=‘internet access’? The main thing is that only those hotels that have all of the chosen features are returned.

I am stumped. Thank you in advance.

SELECT h.hotel_id
     , h.hotel_name
     , h.other_hotel_stuff
     , GROUP_CONCAT(f.features.name) AS features
  FROM ( SELECT hf.hotel_id
           FROM features
           JOIN hotel_features
             ON hotel_features.features_id = features.features_id
          WHERE features.features_name IN
                ( 'room service'
                , 'internet access' ) /* note 2 features listed */
             BY hotel_features.hotel_id
         HAVING COUNT(*) = 2      /* note 2 features must be counted */
       ) AS x
  JOIN hotels AS h
    ON h.hotel_id = x.hotel_id
  JOIN hotel_features AS hf
    ON hf.hotel_id = h.hotel_id
  JOIN features AS f
    ON f.features_id = hf.features_id
    BY h.hotel_id  

GROUP_CONCAT is, of course, a mysql proprietary function

Brilliant Rudy,

it’s working. Thank you very much! The query is rather complex so I’m glad I asked. You’ve saved me a few hours looking stupidly at the PC and wondering what to do next.

Hello Rudy,

how are you doing?

The query you gave me is working well, thanks. What would I have to change if I wanted to add another intermediary table “hotel_activities” to the mix? I thought I’d ask.

Thank you!

same type of subquery as subquery “x”

you need the new subquery to produce one result per hotel_id, then join that to the query

Thank you, will try that out.

Hi Rudy,

sorry to bother you with this but could you please have a quick look at my query?

I have used the same columns and tables for the second GROUP_CONCAT as I used for the first GROUP_CONCAT, adding a comment here and there. This is just so one can see the structure of the query. Possibly the INNER JOINS need some amending?

I know you said:

you need the new subquery to produce one result per hotel_id, then join that to the query

Thank you!!!

SELECT h.hotel_id
     , h.hotel_name
     , h.other_hotel_stuff
     , GROUP_CONCAT(f.features.name) AS features
  FROM ( SELECT hf.hotel_id
           FROM features
           JOIN hotel_features
             ON hotel_features.features_id = features.features_id
          WHERE features.features_name IN
                ( 'room service'
                , 'internet access' )
             BY hotel_features.hotel_id
         HAVING COUNT(*) = 2
       ) AS x, // added a comma here

       GROUP_CONCAT(f.features.name) AS features
  FROM ( SELECT hf.hotel_id
           FROM features
           JOIN hotel_features
             ON hotel_features.features_id = features.features_id
          WHERE features.features_name IN
                ( 'room service'
                , 'internet access' )
             BY hotel_features.hotel_id
         HAVING COUNT(*) = 2
       ) AS xx // added an x here

  JOIN hotels AS h
    ON h.hotel_id = x.hotel_id  // inner join from first group_concat

  JOIN hotels AS h
    ON h.hotel_id = xx.hotel_id   // inner join from second group_concat

  JOIN hotel_features AS hf
    ON hf.hotel_id = h.hotel_id
  JOIN features AS f
    ON f.features_id = hf.features_id
    BY h.hotel_id

whole bunch of things wrong with your query – you cannot add a column in the middle of the FROM clause, you cannot add a second FROM keyword, and your second subquery is identical to the first, going after ‘room service’ and ‘internet access’ as qualifying features

so i’ve re-thought the query and made a couple of changes

i’ve changed the first subquery to retrieve all features for each hotel, not via the main query, and included code to detect when the features include all the ones that were specified as qualifying

then i’ve added a second subquery, to retrieve all amenities for each qualified hotel

thus the outer query doesn’t need a GROUP BY any more

SELECT h.hotel_id
     , h.hotel_name
     , h.other_hotel_stuff
     , x.features
     , xx.amentities
  FROM hotels AS h
  JOIN ( SELECT hotel_features.hotel_id
              , GROUP_CONCAT(features.features_name) AS features
              , SUM(CASE WHEN features.features_name
                           IN ( 'room service'
                            ,  'internet access' )
                         THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS qualifying
           FROM hotel_features
           JOIN features
             ON features.features_id = hotel_features.features_id
             BY hotel_features.hotel_id
       ) AS x
    ON x.hotel_id = h.hotel_id
   AND x.qualifying = 2
  JOIN ( SELECT hotel_amenities.hotel_id
              , GROUP_CONCAT(amenities.amenities_name) AS amenities
           FROM hotel_amenities
           JOIN amenities
             ON amenities.amenities_id = hotel_amenities.amenities_id
             BY hotel_amenities.hotel_id
       ) AS xx
    ON xx.hotel_id = h.hotel_id

Hi Rudy,

thanks a lot.

I have to ask because I haven’t tried the code yet, but this is intended to work with 2 intermediate tables? The one table I have is for amenities and the other table for activities - each hotel can have multiple amenities and multiple activities.

Just checking - thank you!

dude, what happened to features?

dude, what happened to features?

Aren’t features the same as amenities? I definitely have an amenities/features table and now I tried adding another intermediate table which I arbitrarily called “activities”.

Hi Rudy,

I have to run, but I’ll be back later.

If you could please confirm that the code will work for 2 intermediate tables?


um, that’d be your job?


Hi Rudy,

I am happy to report that your code does work! Thank you for helping me with this. That’s one problem solved, another 1000 to go… It seems that solving one problem results in another problem… it’s a vicious cycle.

Thanks again