Just starting to write a design blog - but what to write about?

I’m sure everyone who’s been in the game long enough gets to this point, time to give something back to the community… So I built a blog - and then sit down to write and… nothing!! The conundrums between what to write, who to target, what skill levels to go for suddenly all start creeping in!! There’s also the standpoint of not wanting to duplicate content that’s already been written!

So… anyone else here been in the same position? Want to give something back but struggling to find the right approach?! All opinions welcome - also if anyone wants me to write about HTML/CSS/jQuery let me know as it will spark some inspiration! :slight_smile:

Maybe you should write about some designers who design things who are scammers? People like finding about scammers:).

I don’t really know what you’re getting at, im more interested in knowing what would appeal to the wider community in terms of sharing my knowledge…

what to write, who to target, what skill levels to go for

Good questions. Since you already know the global answer to the first (design), focus on the last two. Once you’ve got that clear, you can start thinking about actual subjects for your post.

Sounds good! I think I’m just gonna start by writing whatever comes into my head at first - then start being specific with tutorials etc.

yeah. just start writing and you will figure it out along the way. you can also check what other writers do and get inspired there. or post new and crazy designs (pictures) could be an idea. good luck with your blog.


Sounds like you shouldn’t write a blog then. Sounds like you’re chasing money instead of chasing a need in the market. In the end it won’t end well. You’re focusing on the wrong things.

this is a time waste

I disagree with this - first off… how can it “not end well”? I’m just writing about things that I know as a good way to dump all information I know for other people to perhaps use - as I’ve been in the industry for a long time. It’s also good to put the feelers out and see what people want to know instead of going off on tangents (market research anyone?).

Do people who blog about where they are travelling to fill a need in a market? No. A blog is usually about emparting wisdom and sharing opinions. If money comes out of it that’s a bonus.

You can simply write online tutorials for learning Photoshop, HTML or CSS. You can share your knowledge and teach people. You can also do video blogging. I also learnt a lot from websites such as PSDtuts, nettuts and sixrevisions etc. You can also compile a inspirational list such as top 50 logo designs etc. This way you will inspire people.

I would suggest you to go for online tutorials. Share your knowledge.