Last replied date and time not same

Hi there,

I am currently doing a simple forum board but encountering a problem.
The ‘Last replied time and date’ in my forum index page is not updated to the last replied message time and date inside that particular topic.

Here’s the code for the post reply


include "connect.php"; //connection string

print "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css'>";

print "<table class='maintables'>";

print "<tr class='headline'><td>Reply</td></tr>";

print "<tr class='maintables'><td>";









      print "You did not type in a name."; //no name entered


   else if(strlen($yourpost)<1)


      print "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered



      $thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp

      $displaytime=date("F j, Y, h:i a");

      //we now strip HTML injections




      $insertpost="INSERT INTO elec_forum(author,title,post,showtime,realtime,lastposter, parentid) values('$name','$subject','$yourpost','$displaytime','$thedate','$name','$id')";

      mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post

      $updatepost="Update elec_forum set numreplies=numreplies+'1', lastposter='$name', lastrepliedto='$thedate' where postid='$id'";

      mysql_query($updatepost) or die("Could not update post");
      print "Message updated, go back to <A href='elec_message.php?id=$id'>Message</a>.";






   print "<form action='elec_reply.php' method='post'>";

   print "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$id'>";

   print "Your name:<br>";

   print "<input type='text' name='name' size='20'><br>";

   print "Your message:<br>";

   print "<textarea name='yourpost' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea><br>";

   print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></form>";


print "</td></tr></table>";


Code for index page:

<p ><h3 align="center">Department of Electronic Engineering</h3>

include "connect.php"; //mysql db connection here

print "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css'>";

print "<A href='elec_post.php'>New Topic</a><br>";

print "<table class='maintable'>";

print "<tr class='headline'><td width=50%>Discussion Topic</td><td width=20%>Author</td><td>Replies</td><td>Last replied time</td></tr>";

$getthreads="SELECT * from elec_forum where parentid='0' order by lastrepliedto DESC";

$getthreads2=mysql_query($getthreads) or die("Could not get threads");





  print "<tr class='mainrow'><td><a href='elec_message.php?id=$getthreads3[postid]'>$getthreads3[title]</a></td><td>$getthreads3[author]</td><td>$getthreads3[numreplies]</td><td>
$getthreads3[showtime]<br>Last post by <b>$getthreads3[lastposter]</b></td></tr>";


print "</table>";


<a href="forum.php?"><img src="image/button_back1.gif" border="0" align="right"/></a>

The line of code in ‘post reply’ code

$updatepost="Update elec_forum set numreplies=numreplies+'1', lastposter='$name', lastrepliedto='$thedate' where postid='$id'";

give the correct 'last replied time and date.

Line of code in index page-line 28


give the time and date of the topic author. How to correct this so that I can know the last poster replied time and date in the index page?

print "<tr class='mainrow'><td><a href='elec_message.php?id=$getthreads3[postid]'>$getthreads3[title]</a></td><td>$getthreads3[author]</td><td>$getthreads3[numreplies]</td><td> 
$getthreads3[showtime]<br>Last post by <b>$getthreads3[lastposter]</b></td></tr>"; 

That will not work, PHP does not expand array elements inside quoted strings.

This does work:

$var = "eek!";

echo "$var - a mouse!" ;

This does not work

$a['var'] = "eek!";

echo "$a['var'] - a mouse!" ;

Whereas this does work

$a['var'] = "eek!";

echo $a['var'] . " - a mouse!" ;

So you should be doing the likes of

.... Last post by <b>" . $getthreads3['lastposter'] . "</b> ....

and so on, also note how I quote the array ‘keys’, you will likely be filling up your error log files with lots of unnecessary notices which will be a baIIache if you have to go looking for a real error.