Layout problem help

i am working on website and i have problem with its layout. i m trying to making it a liquid based layout, the header is fixed because its needs to be there but i can see the adsense on the right side of the header doesn’t extent all the way to the corner to line up with links below it. always i noticed when i view the website is large screen or zoom out the page. the content part of the page stays fixed position, making the the layout broken, can anyone help me?

Validate your website here:

The “<body class=“home blog”>” does not immediately follow “</head>”.

I would also temporarily remove Adsense and any other Plugins until the layout is doing what you want it to do. Once fixed then gradually replace the removed items, test and continue.

do u mean the body tag doesn’t open right after </head>, if thats the case. i needed the right sidebar to be out on the right side of the window. so someone told me to put it before starting of body tag.basically what i wanted is to have fuild layout which fills 100% of screen. major size left to content.

i needed the right sidebar to be out on the right side of the window. so someone told me to put it before starting of body tag

While that person may have meant that floats should come first in source, you don’t ever want HTML for the web page outside the body! Everyone has to be in the body.

All HTML pages need to be like this:
<!doctype of some sort>
<html with lang attribute>
with <title> and <meta> and <link> and <script> stuff
everything on the web page has to be in here

To get a sidebar floated, make sure it’s before whatever the rest of the page is…
<body> <– don’t float or play with the body
…<sidebar>…stuff…</sidebar> <–float it
<div>…rest of page… </div><–main bulk of web page