Layout wrong only in firefox. I can't figure it out

I use the same basic structure for most of my sites, and the most recent two are showing the same problem… the site looks correct in chrome and wrong in Firefox. :frowning: I can’t figure it out… if anyone has any ideas, I’d greatly appreciate it.


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If your page is broken, always give the validators a go first, to see if there’s an error in your code, such as here:

.banner img{text-align:center; padding:20px; background:#ffffff url(');}

That single ’ inside here url(') is throwing FF right off. Change it to url('') or remove it altogether if it’s not needed.

thank you so much Ralph :slight_smile: I appreciate it so much ! :))))

Note that the xhtml1.1 doctype you are using requires that it be sent as application/xhtml+xml/.


XHTML 1.1 documents SHOULD be labeled with the Internet Media Type “application/xhtml+xml”

Unless you are doing content negotiation for IE8 and under as it doesn’t understand xhtml then you would be better off with the following doctype:

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Note that with xhtml 1.1. there are also subtle differences in how some js and css is handled.