Learn Responsive Web Design Online?

I am looking to take a formal course on responsive web design and possibly HTML5. Does anyone have any recommendations? So far I have only found Treehouse (http://teamtreehouse.com/library/websites/build-a-responsive-website) which offers a specific course. I’m open to any suggestions, I just think I would be best served by learning from an instructor, even if it’s online through videos. Thanks!

There are good books, of course, but if you want a video course, there is also this:


I haven’t taken it, though, although I have tried some of the Treehouse ones, and they are very well presented.

Learning how to design a responsive theme is not as complicated or intimidating as it may sound. The easiest way to do this would be by making some simple, straight-forward additions to the stylesheets.

If you are confident in your abilities to develop a regular website using HTML and CSS, this should be able to help you learn how to make a site responsive: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/bobleah/entry/code_example_of_responsive_web_design_using_css3_media_queries13?lang=en

If you are dead set on taking a course to learn, the Lynda training videos are all excellent.

Have you tried SP’s Responsive JumpStart book - http://www.sitepoint.com/books/responsive1/

Might be worth a try! :slight_smile: I am certainly going to try it in due time!