Lightbox Problems


I have a problem with lightbox, it won’t work. I’ve used it before, but have to fix it n another website which calls the images from a php file. (I know…:nono:)

Here is the lightbox page:

<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script src=",builder" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<fieldset><legend>Main Images</legend><div id="mainImage"><a href="" rel="lightbox" title="Traditional Style Coffee Tables ~ fp-025-1"><img src="" title="Traditional Style Coffee Tables (CTV-FP025) ~ fp-025-1" /></a></div></fieldset><fieldset><legend>More Image</legend><ul id="moreImages"><li class="noSpace"><a href="" rel="lightbox" title="Traditional Style Coffee Tables (CTV-FP025) ~ fp-025-1"><img src="" title="Traditional Style Coffee Tables (CTV-FP025) ~ fp-025-1" /></a></li>etc...</ul></fieldset>

and the PHP which gives the images:

	$strSize = UrlData("hdnSize", 500, "");
	$strProduct = UrlData("hdnProduct", 500, "");
	$strImage = UrlData("hdnImage", 500, "");
	$strSize = substr($strSize, 0, 1);	
	if ($strProduct != "") {
		$intProductID = (preg_match("/\\d{4}(\\d+)\\d{4}/", $strProduct, $aryMatches)) ? $aryMatches[1] : 0;
		$intImageID = (preg_match("/\\d{4}(\\d+)\\d{4}/", $strImage, $aryMatches)) ? $aryMatches[1] : 0;
		$strFilename = $strSize . "-" . $intProductID . "-" . $intImageID . ".jpg";		
	} else {
		$strFilename = $strSize . "-no-image.jpg";
	} //end if
	DownloadFile(DIR_IMAGE_PRODUCTS . $strFilename);

Any ideas why it won’t work. The images just try to download to the pc when clicked on. I was thinking maybe its because the images are a php file??


Nevermind, it was mootools.js.