Lightwindow outside the iframe?

Hello. (sorry for the same topic in other forum) I have a problem with lightwindow. (sry for my english). I looked on other forums, but don’t found the anwer for my question. I got lightwindow and maybe can help me someone…

Here is photo:

I must (don’t know how) become this lightwindow-effect from this frame. I tried all - target=“_parent”, _top, _new, _blank, _self, but it doesn’t work. it is some where in lightwindow.css or .js. but I dont know where it is and how it called… Help me please

can anybody answer me please? or nobody nothing know about this? O.o

Hi! Do you have your CSS for this. It’s kind of hard to determine what the cause could be based on a picture. I guess it has to do with positioning, but, that’s just a guess.

here is CSS:

#lightwindow_overlay {


	display: none;

	visibility: hidden;

	position: absolute;

	top: 0;

	left: 0;

	width: 100%;

	height: 100px;

	z-index: 500;



#lightwindow {


	/* Of Note - The height and width of this element are set to 0px */

	display: none;

	visibility: hidden;

	position: absolute;

	z-index: 999;

	line-height: 0px;



	#lightwindow_container {

		/* REQUIRED */

		display: none;

		visibility: hidden;

		position: absolute;

		/* REQUIRED */

		padding: 0 0 0 0;

		margin: 0 0 0 0;


	/* IE6 needs this or it messes with our positioning */

	* html #lightwindow_container {

		overflow: hidden;


	#lightwindow_contents {

		overflow: hidden;

		z-index: 0;

		position: relative;

		border: 10px solid #ffffff;

		background-color: #ffffff;


#lightwindow_loading {


	height: 100%;

	width: 100%;

	top: 0px;

	left: 0px;

	z-index: 9999;

	position: absolute;


	background-color: #f0f0f0;

	padding: 10px;


	#lightwindow_loading_shim { 

		display: none;

		left: 0px; 

		position: absolute; 

		top: 0px;

		width: 100%; 

		height: 100%;


	#lightwindow_loading span {

    	font-size: 12px;

		line-height: 32px;

		color: #444444;

		float: left;

		padding: 0 10px 0 0;


	#lightwindow_loading span a,

	#lightwindow_loading span a:link, 

	#lightwindow_loading span a:visited {

		color: #09F;

		text-decoration: none;

		cursor: pointer;


	#lightwindow_loading span a:hover,

	#lightwindow_loading span a:active {

		text-decoration: underline;


	#lightwindow_loading img {

   		float: left;

   		margin: 0 10px 0 0;



	I liked the Navigation so much from

	I mean let's face it, it works really well and is very easy to figure out.


#lightwindow_navigation {


	position: absolute;

	top: 0px;

	left: 0px;

	display: none;



	/* We need to shim the navigation for IE, though its more of a sub-floor */

	#lightwindow_navigation_shim { 

		/* REQUIRED */

		display: none;

		left: 0px; 

		position: absolute; 

		top: 0px;

		width: 100%; 

		height: 100%;

		/* REQUIRED */


	#lightwindow_navigation a,

	#lightwindow_navigation a:link,

	#lightwindow_navigation a:visited,

	#lightwindow_navigation a:hover,

	#lightwindow_navigation a:active { 

		/* REQUIRED */

		outline: none;

		/* REQUIRED */



	#lightwindow_next {

		width: 49%;

		height: 100%;

		background: transparent url(../images/blank.gif) no-repeat; /* Trick IE into showing hover */

		display: block;



	#lightwindow_previous { 

		float: left;

		left: 0px;


	#lightwindow_next { 

		float: right;

		right: 0px;



	#lightwindow_previous:active { 

		background: url(../images/prevlabel.gif) left 15% no-repeat; 



	#lightwindow_next:active { 

		background: url(../images/nextlabel.gif) right 15% no-repeat; 




	#lightwindow_next_title {

		display: none;



#lightwindow_galleries {

	width: 100%;

	position: absolute;

	z-index: 50; 

	display: none;

	overflow: hidden;

	margin: 0 0 0 10px;

	bottom: 0px;

	left: 0px;


	#lightwindow_galleries_tab_container {

		width: 100%;

		height: 0px;

		overflow: hidden;




	a:visited#lightwindow_galleries_tab {

		display: block;

		height: 20px;

		width: 77px;

		float: right;

		line-height: 22px;

		color: #ffffff;

		text-decoration: none;

		font-weight: bold;

		cursor: pointer;

		font-size: 11px;

		color: #ffffbe;

		background: url(../images/black-70.png) repeat 0 0 transparent;



	* html a#lightwindow_galleries_tab,		

	* html a:link#lightwindow_galleries_tab,

	* html a:visited#lightwindow_galleries_tab {	

		background: none;

		background-color: #000000;

		opacity: .70;

		filter: alpha(opacity=70);



	a:active#lightwindow_galleries_tab {

		color: #ffffbe;


	#lightwindow_galleries_tab_span {

		display: block;

		height: 20px;

		width: 63px;

		padding: 0 7px 0 7px;



	#lightwindow_galleries_tab .up	{

		background: url(../images/arrow-up.gif) no-repeat 60px 5px transparent;


	#lightwindow_galleries_tab .down {

		background: url(../images/arrow-down.gif) no-repeat 60px 6px transparent;


	#lightwindow_galleries_list {

		background: url(../images/black-70.png) repeat 0 0 transparent;

		overflow: hidden;

		height: 0px;


	* html #lightwindow_galleries_list {

		background: none;

		background-color: #000000;

		opacity: .70;

		filter: alpha(opacity=70);


	.lightwindow_galleries_list {

		width: 200px;

		float: left;

		margin: 0 0 10px 0;

		padding: 10px;


	.lightwindow_galleries_list h1 {	

		color: #09F;

		text-decoration: none;

		font-weight: bold;

		cursor: pointer;

		padding: 10px 0 5px 0;

		font-size: 16px;


	.lightwindow_galleries_list li {

		margin: 5px 0 5px 0;

		list-style-type: none;


	.lightwindow_galleries_list a, 

	.lightwindow_galleries_list a:link, 

	.lightwindow_galleries_list a:visited {

		display: block;

		line-height: 22px;

		color: #ffffff;

		text-decoration: none;

		font-weight: bold;

		cursor: pointer;

		padding: 0 0 0 10px;

		font-size: 11px;


	.lightwindow_galleries_list a:hover, 

	.lightwindow_galleries_list a:active {

		background: #000000;

		color: #ffffbe;

		border-left: 3px solid #ffffbe;

		padding: 0 0 0 7px;



#lightwindow_data {


	position: absolute;



	#lightwindow_data_slide {

		/* REQUIRED */

		position: relative;

		/* REQUIRED */


	#lightwindow_data_slide_inner {

		background-color: #ffffff;

		padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;


	#lightwindow_data_caption {

		padding: 10px 0 0 0;

		color: #666666;

		line-height: 25px;

		background-color: #ffffff;

		clear: both;


	#lightwindow_data_details {

		background-color: #f0f0f0;

		padding: 0 10px 0 10px;

		height: 20px;



	#lightwindow_data_author_container {

		width: 40%;

		text-align: right;

		color: #666666;

	 	font-style: italic;

		font-size: 10px;

		line-height: 20px;

		float: right;

		overflow: hidden;



	#lightwindow_data_gallery_container {

		font-size: 10px;

		width: 40%;

		text-align: left;

		color: #666666;

		line-height: 20px;

		float: left;

		overflow: hidden;



#lightwindow_title_bar {

	height: 25px;

	overflow: hidden;		


	#lightwindow_title_bar_title {

		color: #ffffbe;

		font-size: 14px;

		line-height: 25px;

		text-align: left;

		float: left;




	a:visited#lightwindow_title_bar_close_link {

		float: right;

		text-align: right;		

		cursor: pointer;

		color: #ffffbe;

		line-height: 25px;

		padding: 0;

		margin: 0;




	a:active#lightwindow_title_bar_close_link {

		color: #ffffff;



	Theme styling stuff


#lightwindow p {

	color: #000000;

	padding-right: 10px;


I had many things changed, but nothing is happened. Do you have maybe any idea what this can be? (here is original CSS)

Where is the origanal CSS and do you have a link to the lightbox as well. The one that isn’t working.

Off Topic:

When you post any type of code(css, html, javascript, etc) You should use the code selector. Far most right in your text editor, stating Select Sytax…

here is a link to lightwindow (I use it now):

and here to lightbox:

Sorry to be a pain, but isn’t the site online? I prefer not to download any zips I don’t know. If you have a link to the site would be much appreciated.

Lightwindow (Images >> Image gallery - everyone needs a killer gallery!):

Lightbox (Group of Images):


No, all scripts are offline

so you dont know? :frowning:

Just saw your last message. Maybe I don’t understand you right, but I say your lightbox working in the mayor browsers?

I use only Firefox here at work…so, nobody know the answer :mad: Sad sad…