Line breaks in BASIC! (Help!)

Ok -
I’m writing a program in Visual Basic that will tell you the name, age, hair color, eye color and how many pets they own.

But i’m stuck on one problem though. Creating new lines in a program. Does anyone on here know how to create a new line within in the program using Visual Basic?

Heres an example of the program

'Write a program that will tell you the name, age, hair color, eye color and to ask them how many pets they own
TextWindow.WriteLine("What is your name?")
name =TextWindow.Read()
TextWindow.Write("Awesome, your name is " + name + ".") 
TextWindow.Write("So," + name + " im going to ask you a couple of questions about yourself, is that ok?")

TextWindow.Write("On one line" & Environment.NewLine & "and on another?")

Haven’t touched .NET in a few years.

Or is this not .NET? Can’t even tell!

TextWindow.Write("On one line" & vbCrLf & "and on another?")

Or maybe it’s vbCr and vbLf separately. Now that’s something I haven’t touched in forever.