List of Websites with Different Security Levels for Testing Purpose

Hi all,

I have been developing an extension to a browser that shows security level of websites. However, I couldn’t find websites that I can use to test different security levels
on my extension. I am searching for websites with the following security implementations:

  • Websites that have 256-bit key encryption
  • websites that use less than 128 bit encryption key, such as 40 or 56 bit key
  • websites whose signature algorithm(hash algorithm) is MD5 or MD2
  • Websites with domain mismatch

I need these websites for a test purpose. If you know any website that satisfy the above conditions please reply to me. OR, if you know a simple technique of setting up such an environment please help me.


For testing it shouldn’t be that hard – just get a dedicated server, setup certs and such for any key length you need to test against.

I’d hope no one would publicly admit to using less than 128 bit encryption these days . . .

Thanks for your reply. The best way would be as you say to use dedicated server and setting up certificates by my self. But, I wanted to make the work easier for me. That is the reason why I am searching for some websites established for test purpose or any website that satisfy the above conditions. If there is anyone who encounter such websites please forward me. Thanks !

I don’t think many are going to offer up their websites for you to test.
And how would you learn anything? Plan on asking access to their Logs as well :wink:

As wwb_99 has said, if you want to test you’ll need to set up yur own sites, easy or otherwise.

Setting up your own is, by far, the best way to test. However, I can tell you that going to will trigger a domain mismatch in Internet Explorer 10, if that helps.


Thank you ! Now I understood how difficult it is to search for the websites. So, I decided to set up my own. Can you suggest me an easier way of setting up a dedicated server, implement different SSL security levels on it and access it’s resources via browsers.

Regards :slight_smile: