LiveValidation only validate fields that are visible?

Hi, I haven’t been able to find anybody else with this same problem, so here goes…

I’m using LiveValidation to validate fields in a form before they are submitted. I have one option where the user can select “Married” “Engaged” “Living Together” or “Single”… based on what they select, it will show/hide different text input fields (Spouse Name, Fiance Name, Companion Name).

My problem is that even when these fields are hidden (using display=‘none’), LiveValidation still won’t let the form submit if these fields are blank.

Does anyone know of a way I can have LiveValidation check to see if these fields are visible or hidden, and decide whether or not to let the form submit? Is there a Custom LiveValidation parameter or something?

Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks!


The docs say it has a function for disableing fieldchecking :
LiveValidation - Documentation

disable (function)

A helper to disable a field, so that validations are not run on it, and its value will not be posted if part of a form. It will also remove any previous validation message and field class.
This is useful for forms which can have different fields filled in depending upon choices they are given.

The LiveValidation object itself so that calls can be chained


var myField = new LiveValidation('myField');
// disable the field - validations will not be run on this field, and its contents not submitted

also check the custom validation (add somethgl like “|| fiieldHidden”)

Works perfectly! Wow, I feel pretty stupid for not having seen that in the first place, but thank you so so much for the help!

I have a similar issue to this one but I’m not clear on livevalidation settings and how to interpret the above.
I have a form with a dropdown showing 1 through 10.
If user chooses 1-9, then a specific secondary paragraph field should show.
And if the user chooses 10, then a different paragraph field should show.

I figured out some javascript for showing the second form fields (likely isn’t the most elegant way to do it so suggestions welcome).
Then I used existing livevalidation code so that if the user doesn’t make a selection (dropdown choice stays on Choose One instead of 1-10), then a error will appear under the dropdown field instead of the form submitting.

Now I’d like to take it a step further and require secondary field but make the field that gets hidden not be required.
So if 1 -9 is chosen, the second field shows AND will be the only field required.
But if 10 is chosen, then its specific second field will show and be the only required field.

I tried a couple of things, but couldn’t get the form to submit b/c I think the hidden field was still being required.

Here’s my JS for determining the dropdown and showing the second field:

<script type=“text/javascript”>
function selectionChanged()
if(document.getElementById(“field0”).value == “blank”)
else if(document.getElementById(“field0”).value == “10”)

return true;


And here’s the code for the livevalidation to show error if dropdown choice is not made and is left on Choose One:

<script type=“text/javascript” >var field0 = new LiveValidation(‘field0’, {onlyOnSubmit: true });
field0.add( Validate.Exclusion, { within: [ ‘blank’ ], failureMessage: ‘Please make a selection’ } );</script>

Hope that makes sense and someone can help.

I’m doing something similar. I found and recommend this code ( for showing and hiding fields based on yes/no (option/radio) selections. Virtually the same thing you are doing with your dropdown. I’m sure the code can be modified for a dropdown, otherwise, you could convert your dropdown to option/radio buttons.

If you go with this JQuery code, the above code is changed to (much cleaner):

$(“#formElement1”).slideDown(“fast”); //to show


$(“#formElement1”).slideUp(“fast”); //to hide

I used the control.js file from that functionality above to apply LiveValidation based on the yes/no selection.

I one-stepped it even further by accounting for mis-clicks. The above “.disable” function is real nice, but if the person decides to go back and choose the selection they just changed from, the field is still disabled and I haven’t found a way to re-enable it. However, back to the point, if someone accidentally chooses a selection from your dropdown, the LiveValidation becomes activated and I prefer a method to disable it without killing the field. So I used the following code in coordination with the aforementioned code to accomplish that:

$(“#MyFieldName”).val(" "); //The Validation.Presence is circumvented with just a space

Hope this helps. If you have any questions or want to see how I applied it, shoot me an email.
