Long h1 problem with mobile browsers

I’ve found that in the Chrome and Firefox mobile browsers, an h1 over a certain length increases the font size of all statically-positioned text on the page but not absolutely-positioned text. The length of the h1 required to trigger the problem seems to depend on the browser and (probably) the device.

For example, on a Nexus 4 using Chrome or Firefox, the h1 text and statically-positioned div text from the following code renders too large while the absolutely-positioned div text renders in normal size. Removing 2 characters of text from the h1 tag causes all text to render in normal size in Chrome. Removing 2 more characters causes all text to render in normal size in Firefox.

<body style="margin: 0;">
<h1 style="font-size: 1em;">h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1</h1>
<div style="font-size: 1em;">div</div>
<div style="position: absolute; font-size: 1em;">absolute</div>

Does anyone know why this happens and how to control it?

It may not have anything to do with the h1. Try adding this to your CSS and see if it changes anything:

-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;

Does it happen when you put a valid !DOCTYPE at the top of the page?

It may not have anything to do with the h1. Try adding this to your CSS and see if it changes anything:

I tried applying -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; to the html, body, and * but there is no change. I also tried 100% instead of none.

Does it happen when you put a valid !DOCTYPE at the top of the page?

I added <!doctype html> to the top but there is no change.

Is there a place online I can post this code so you guys can try it in mobile Chrome or Firefox?

It seems to have something to do with a new, non-fully supported text resizing technology still under development.

I Googled : Firefox mobile nexus h1

and came up with the following possiblities… There seemed to be plenty more.


“This is an experimental technology”

Got it! The big break was the edit in the main answer here:


“Chrome on android phones uses font boosting, so -webkit-text-size-adjust is being ignored no matter what value you set. You can disable font boosting it by setting max-height to something large(100000px or so) see this bug.”

That’s it in a nutshell. My example code can be “fixed” by setting h1,div {max-height: 100000px;}. Thank you for your help with this!