Looking for a Youtube player - multiple videos on a single player

Hi, I’m looking for a script that will play youtube videos on my web page. Have a single player embedded in the page, but allow me to show a list (just a text list, not thumbs) of which video to show.
This used to be doable with youtube’s own custom player, but it seems they have stopped that now, so I’m a bit stumped :frowning:

I have been looking around for ages, but I can’t find anything that does what I want. I drew this example to show what I’m trying to find. Hoping that someone might know if something like this exists?

How about something like this? http://www.geckonewmedia.com/blog/2009/8/14/jquery-youtube-playlist-plugin---youtubeplaylist

You can turn off the thumbnails and just display a text link for each video.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Yes, something exactly like that… :slight_smile:

No problem. :wink:

Well you can now the iframe embeds for this purpose. They allow the ability to embed entire playlists – YouTube hosted or comma separated list – in a single player. You can find the instructions here:

Embed YouTube Videos, Playlists and More with IFrame Embeds