Looking for time ago function

I am looking for a function to convert TIMESTAMP such as “1414792807”
to this format:
“one day, 5 minutes ago”
“2 years, 3 months ago”
and not only “2 years”.

Anyone knows any PHP function that might be good for this kind of use?

Thanks in advance.

Try this (like in my site - but in russian)

  function get_elapsed_time($ts)
      $mins = floor((gmtime() - $ts)/60);
      $hours = floor($mins/60);
      $mins -= $hours*60;
      $days = floor($hours/24);
      $hours -= $days*24;
      $weeks = floor($days/7);
      $days -= $weeks*7;
         if ($weeks == 1)
           $w = "week";
        elseif ($weeks > 1 && $weeks < 5)
           $w = "weeks";
        elseif ($weeks > 4)
           $w = "weeks";
        if ($weeks >= 1){
           $we = "".$weeks." ".$w."";
        if ($days == 1)
           $d = "day";
        elseif ($days > 1 && $days < 5)
           $d = "day";
        elseif ($days > 4)
           $d = "days";
        if ($days >= 1 ){
           $da = "".$days." ".$d."";
        if ($hours == 1)
           $h = "hour";
        elseif ($hours > 1 && $hours < 5)
           $h = "hour";
        elseif ($hours > 4)
           $h = "hours";
        if ($hours >= 1){
           $ho = "".$hours." ".$h."";
        if ($mins > 10 && $mins < 15)
           $m = "minute";
        elseif (($mins%10) == 1)
           $m = "minute";
        elseif (($mins%10) > 1 && ($mins%10) < 5)
           $m = "minutes";
        elseif (($mins%10) > 4)
           $m = "minute";
        if ($mins >= 1){
           $mi = "".$mins." ".$m."";
           $mi = "less than a minute";
        if ($weeks || $days || $hours || $mins)
          return $we." ".$da." ".$ho." ".$mi;

You can search Google for ‘time ago php function’:


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