Looking for website creation tool that will give me what I need. Any advice?

Hi. I’m not an html buff at all, but I have been requested to help in finding an apporipriate web host/website creator that would be good for a teacher looking to offer different study methods to her students. Here’s what I’m looking for:

+Password protected membership
+pay for membership
+they want to be able to have their Powerpoint slidehows in a viewable format ON the website (not available for download, but kind of like a flash video embedded in) that would only be available for those paying for membership. I understand doing this with a powerpoint file may be a little farfetched or impossible when it comes to website creation made easy, but is there some alternative that could offer the same security of the content not being freely distributable while still not requiring expensive Flash creation tools?

This is pretty much it when it comes to the standards that must be met. If you could help me, I’d be grateful. Thankyou!

You can use Flash 8 to compose the flash, Dreamweaver to incorporate it into the site, and you could use an FTP software to upload the files. The tutorial below should help you with using Filezilla FTP program. Link to download: http://filezilla-project.org/ and click on download Filezilla client. Filezilla Setup article: http://www.w3hub.org/doc/filezilla/ After you login to the FTP client filezilla using

  1. Your IP address (X.X.X.X)
  2. Your FTP login
  3. Your FTP password

I think that you want a CMS with the right plug-ins.

There are plenty of CMS’s around that could help you but in this case I would suggest WordPress because it is widely documented not only by Automatic (the company that owns WP) but for many, many users and developers.

Maybe the Google Doc Embeder can help you with the PowerPoint docs you need to show online

Depending on your current skills you have a couple of options: build what you want using a CMS system like Wordpress where you can add on modules/plugins to build in the functionality that you want, or search for a third party who has already integrated these things and will offer it to you as a Service.

If you go the CMS+plugins/module way there are usually costs associated with some of the plugins required to make your life easier (not expensive but an easy way to ensure you have some access to support if needed, there are almost always free alternatives).

If you go for the integrated service option I would ask around for some solid advice on selecting a good service as there is HUGE variation in the quality of what is on offer. There are a gazzillion companies all wanting to build you a website with their software, you don’t want to have anything to do with 99% of them. I’ve not looked at them recently enough to warrant giving any advice or recommendations past that.