Lose hosting positioning slow?

Good evening can be a problem from my server I’m losing too many positions in chat Uruguay site was in the top 2’m going to number 8.

Noto my hosting quite slow, thank you very much appreciate your opinion.

[FONT=Verdana]Google have recently announced that page speed will be taken into account as a ranking factor, but it’s just one of many. If your site always loads very slowly, then it could be having some effect, but is not necessarily the only reason. SERPs are not static, and many things can affect them.

I would suggest you might want to sort out any speed problems, not so much for the benefit of the search engines as for the benefit of your potential visitors. If your site takes too long to load, some of them are going to get fed up waiting and go elsewhere, so you’re losing traffic.

Well, if your site takes long time to load, then probably there is problem with your hosting service and you really need to change it. Hosting service should be exceptionally taken care of in case of chat service sites where users require undisturbed service. And as pointed out by TechnoBear, one of the reasons for losing your position would be that you are losing visitors due to bad hosting.


There is also the possibility that your website has been hacked and is running malware which is slowing the response times significantly. Ask your host for a “maldet scan” to confirm (or, hopefully, deny) that possibility.
