LTRIM() not removing spaces

I’ve got a rather arduous data import/conversion task to complete with a huuuuge table in SQL Server 2005.

There is a column called content, of which many values are preceded by one or more spaces. I tried running the following query to remove these values:

UPDATE documents SET content = LTRIM(content);

It comes back with 9500 rows affected but the query has not affected a single row: there are still spaces at the start of many of them.

I hope this describes the problem adequately. Is someone able to help me out here?

Cheers :smiley:

how do you know they’re spaces?

after you run your LTRIM update, what does this query give you –

  FROM documents
 WHERE content LIKE ' %'

that’s a space followed by the percent sign

That query returns a big fat “0” :slight_smile:

Is there any way of finding out what that character is?

Edit: … and more importantly, how to remove it.

try some of these –

  FROM documents
 WHERE content LIKE CHAR(9)+'%' -- tab
  FROM documents
 WHERE content LIKE CHAR(10)+'%' -- line feed
  FROM documents
 WHERE content LIKE CHAR(13)+'%' -- carriage return

Line feed returned 5500 odd rows.

Should I use something like this to remove them?

UPDATE documents SET content = SUBSTRING(content, 2, LEN(CONTENT)) WHERE content LIKE CHAR(10)+'%';

yeah, that should work, and of course you will back up your table before testing it, yeah?


p.s. whaddya bet there’s a CHAR(13) sitting right after the CHAR(10)s…

Ah go on then :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!

Indeed :slight_smile: