Magento & Google Chckout Tracking

I am currently using Magento to power my shopping cart. I am in the process on intgrating an afilliate network with my site. To do this I have to pass some tracking info to Google Checkout. So far I have this code:

                  	<parameterized-url url=";wgprogramid=4449&amp;wgrs=1&amp;wgeventid=7041&amp;wgvouchercode={$this->getCouponCode()}">
                          		<url-parameter name="wgorderreference" type="order-id"/>
                          		<url-parameter name="wgvalue" type="order-total"/>

The only part I’m worried about is the wgvouchercode={$this->getCouponCode()}. Does anyone know if the syntax of this seems correct? If not, how do I insert the value of any discount codes used into that parameter.
