Main Page Navigation in PHP

I am relatively new to PHP, trying to learn more every day.

I have been enjoying using Server Side Includes in my sidebars, footer etc with good results, much handier and more efficient!

I would like to do the same for the header and main site navigation.

However, the main problem that I am not sure how to deal with comes from having ‘active’ links (differently coloured menu tab for the page the user is on) in my menu.

Here is a small menu example:

<div class="menu">
                         <li><a href="nav.php" class="active">Home</a></li>
                         <li><a href="nav2.php">About</a></li>
                         <li><a href="products1.php">Products</a></li>
                         <li><a href="products2.php">Products 2</a></li>
                         <li><a href="products3.php">Products 3</a></li>


When the user is on the Home page, the class is set to active - i.e. a different colour.

If I do a simple server side include with my navigation this will of course be across all the pages. Can anyone please advise on what I need to do to make the menu work correctly across all the pages? (have different tabs selected for each respective page).

Any help / insight is much appreciated.

You could declare a variable before you include the header file.

<div class="menu">
        <li><a href="nav.php" <?php if( $page == 'index') echo 'class="active"'?> >Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="nav2.php" <?php if( $page == 'about') echo 'class="active"'?> >About</a></li>
        <li><a href="products1.php" <?php if( $page == 'products') echo 'class="active"'?> >Products</a></li>
        <li><a href="products2.php" <?php if( $page == 'product2') echo 'class="active"'?> >Products 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="products3.php" <?php if( $page == 'product3') echo 'class="active"'?> >Products 3</a></li>

$page = 'products';

include 'header.php';

This will set the desired desire link to active based on the conditional statement in the link elements.

How many pages in your site in total?

Do you have content in directories and do they relate to menu headings?

eg /products/this.php and so on?

Thanks for the replies so far. I willwill have around ten links, all in the sane directory.

thanks!! I will try this tomorrow when i get into work

For such a small nav bar then JeremyC’s solution will be fine I’d say, just means hardcoding the file-key “about” in each of your ten files.


$this_page = "about";

include 'nav_bar.php' ;


If you wanted to do it another way you could detect the filename from your $_SERVER array.

(just do var_dump($_SERVER); on one of your pages to see what else is available to you).

Then you could keep your pages in an array and generate your nav bar from that:


// you just maintain this array, which you keep handy at the top of the file

$pages = array(
  '/index.php' => 'Home',
  '/about.php' => 'About',
  '/contact.php' =>  'Contact us',
  // etc

// grab the var
$this_page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];

#TODO you could test if $this_page exists in the permitted array first

echo '<ul>' ;  // start menu

foreach( $pages as $key=>$val ) {  // loop thru array

echo '<li><a href="'  . $key . '"'; // start nav link

if( $key == $this_page) echo ' class="active"';  // if array key '/index.php' matches $this_page 

echo '>' . $val  . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL ; // end nav link

} // end of loop

echo '</ul>' ; // end menu

Sorry, I am unable to test this on my setup today, but that should give you another idea about how you could tackle this problem – but as I say, JeremyCs idea is just fine.

I new in php I use script above in my web but only the last menu appear

    include "configuration/connection.php";
    $sql=mysql_query("SELECT * from mainmenu where active='Y' ORDER BY id_main");
    while ($m=mysql_fetch_array($sql))

    $pages = array(
    "$m[link]" => "$m[menu_name]",
    // etc

    // grab the var
    $this_page = "$m[link]";

    #TODO you could test if $this_page exists in the permitted array first

    echo '<ul>' ; // start menu

    foreach( $pages as $key=>$val ) // loop thru array

    echo '<li><a href="' . $key . '"'; // start nav link

    if( $key == $this_page) echo ' class="active"'; // if array key '/index.php' matches $this_page

    echo '>' . $val . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL ; // end nav link

    // end of loop

    echo '</ul>' ;?>

anyone can please help me,… ??