Make a variable available to methods within an object


In PHP you would do something like this:

class Foo

  protected $zar;
  protected $bar;

  public function setZar($someValue)

    $this->$zar = $someValue;


  public function setBar($someValue)

    $this->$bar = $someValue;

  public function myMethodWhereEverythingHappens()

    if ( $this->zar == $this->bar) {



Would it be correct to do the following in JS?

var Foo = {

  zar: '',
  bar: '',

  setZar: function(someValue){
    this.zar = someValue;

  setBar: function(someValue){ = someValue;

  myMethodWhereEverythingHappens: function() {
    if(this.zar == {
        //do something


Would that be correct? What’s the js pattern for dealing with that kind of OO considerations?


That’s one way of doing it. Scoping is a little less rigid in JS, a lot of it is by convention (e.g. prepend vars with an underscore to denote they’re private)

One of the other ways to do this would be to create a function object.

e.g. something along the lines of:

function Foo() {

    var that = this; //for scope resolution
    this._zar = '';
    this._bar = '';
    this.baz = ''
    this.setBar = function(val) {
        this._bar = val;
    this.someMethod = function() {
        //do stuff


var fooey = new Foo();
